10 Spring Cleaning Window Tips

The inevitable spring cleaning needs to done and it is not an easy job, one of the biggest spring cleaning projects is window cleaning. Following some tried and true tips for cleaning windows should help to make the chore a bit more manageable, although never easy.

Spring Window Cleaning Tips:

Make your own window cleaning solution. If you want to cut back on buying commercial brand window cleaners due to the cost or are wanting to help the environment, a great option is to make your own window cleaning solution. A great mixture that I have found to be very effective is a 50/50 mixture of distilled water and white vinegar with a teaspoon of liquid soap. The window cleaning mixture can be placed in a spray bottle and ready for use when the Spring window cleaning begins.

Use newspaper for cleaning windows. Yes newspaper works wonders for wiping down the windows. Spring cleaning is made economical when you use newspapers for window cleaning and it is also a great way to reuse and recycle.

Wipe windows and windows sills with a damp cloth first. If windows and the window sills are exceptionally dirty, it is a very good idea to wipe both down first with a damp cloth before doing the final window cleaning. By wiping down with a damp cloth first, it will help in eliminate the smearing of dirt and grime on the windows making the final window cleaning a bit easier and more efficient.

Use oven cleaner for stains or water droplet marks. Spray oven cleaner on tough window cleaning stains and water marks, allow the oven clean to remain on window surface for about 45 minutes. Wipe the window with a damp cloth afterwards. Oven cleaner should never be used on engraved glass windows.

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Take out scratches with toothpaste. If while doing your spring window cleaning you notices scratches in your windows, an easy home ready is to apply toothpaste and rub in a circular motion with a soft cloth. Continue with cleaning windows as usual after taking out the scratches.

Do not clean windows in direct sunlight. Although it is easier to see marks and dirt on windows during sunny days, it is not a good idea to do window cleaning in the direct sunlight. The sunlight causes the window cleaner to dry too quickly and now allowing you enough time to wipe the window down and the heat of sun also causes streaking.

Vacuum window screens. Vacuuming the windows screens sounds a little tedious I know but it makes the window cleaning process so much more efficient as it eliminates dust and dirt quicker leaving you less to have to wash and wipe down.

Do window cleaning outside first. Window cleaning should be done to the outside of the windows first and when you go to do your window cleaning inside, the dirt and grime will be more visible looking out the windows.

Clean windows starting at the top. Water or cleaning solution always runs down due to gravity so make sure to start the window cleaning at the top the window and work your way down, it is the most efficient way to clean a window.

Clean window corners with a cotton swab. If you have tried cleaning the corners of your windows and you have found that alone has been a chore in itself, try a cotton swab dipped in your favorite window cleaner and you will find the corners are much easier to clean.

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There are windows everywhere in our homes, there is no way of getting around window cleaning and the enormous Spring cleaning task. However, when you are efficient and use the time saving window cleaning tips, it may make the job seem a little bit more bearable.

