How to Make a Paper Knight’s Helmet

A knight is a nobleman that was also a warrior. The knight’s helmet derived from the period of the Romans when only the foot soldiers wore helmets. Knights of the early middle ages were horsemen and not individuals of nobility. The helmet became a sign of social status as times changed and it became very expensive to find the right armor to wear when fighting on horseback. Make a knight’s helmet from a cereal box and paper mache.

Things You’ll Need:

2 – Cereal boxes
Paper mache
Mixing Container
Wooden spoon


Step 1 – Design the face plate of a knights helmet. Fold a piece of paper in half lengthwise so it is long and narrow. Start at the top of the fold and make a curved angle downward at a 45 degree angle to the outside edge of the paper.

Step 2 – Measure down two inches and make a mark. Draw a curved line down the paper to the bottom so it is one inch in from the corner of the paper.

Step 3 – Measure up from the bottom of the fold two inches. Do not lift the pencil until the following is completed: Draw a line from the fold for one inch at a 30 degree angle. Draw a line straight up on the paper two inches. Make a horizontal line 1 ½ inches long toward the outside edge of the paper. Make a vertical line 1 inch long toward the bottom of the paper. Make a line 1 inch long toward the fold of the paper. Make a vertical line straight down until the top point of the angle. Curve the final line toward the point of the bottom fold. Draw a curved line from the bottom point on the fold to the outside edge at a 20 degree angle. (Helmet Front)

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Step 4 – Cut out the front of the knight’s helmet on the drawn lines.

Step 5 – Use a new piece of paper. Fold the paper in half vertically like a book. Place the fold to the right. Draw a two inch 45 degree diagonal line from the top to the left side. Place a mark 1 inch from the top on the fold. Draw a curved line from the top of the diagonal line to the 1 inch mark on the fold. Draw a curved line from the bottom of the 2 inch line to the bottom point of the fold. (Neckband)

Step 6 – Cut out the template on the lines.

Cardboard Construction:

Step 1 – Open the two cereal boxes at the seams and lay them flat on a table. Lay the printed front face down on the table.

Step 2 – Trace around each cutout. Cut out the two pieces.

Step 3 – Match the helmet font to the neckband where the 2 inch drawn and cut edges align. Tape the front to the neck band. The point on the neckband will point to the top.

Step 4 – Blow up a round balloon just large enough that the helmet form fits snugly over the balloon. Tie the balloon. Slide the cardboard helmet over the balloon. Set aside.

Paper Mache

Step 1 – Cover the working area with newspaper. Mix the paper mache according the directions on the package. Note: The paper mache will thicken as it sits. Do not add more dry mixture to the water than stated on the package.

Step 2 – Tear newspaper into 50 to 100 strips one inch wide and four to six inches long. Tear more strips as needed.

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Step 3 – Place the balloon with the cardboard helmet on the newspaper. Dip a newspaper strip into the paper mache. Pull the piece of paper through the first and second finger to squeeze off the paper mache. The paper strip should be soaked but not dripping.

Step 4 – Lay the strip on the cardboard and smooth. Dip another piece of newspaper strip, pull between the first and second finger and place on the cardboard. Repeat the process until the entire helmet is covered. Note: Lay the paper mache strips in alternating directions to make the helmet stronger.

Step 5 – Place a second and third layer of paper mache strips over the mask to make it strong enough to wear. Let dry after the third layer is attached. Extra layers will not hurt the helmet but do not add more than six layers.


Step 1 – Remove the paper helmet from the balloon. Pop the balloon if it is stuck.

Step 2 – Cut off any dried paper mached newspaper that is extending past the edges of the cardboard template.

Step 3 – Paint the helmet the desired color.


Video Jug: How to make a Cool spartan Helmet
Storm the Castle: How to Make a Spartan Helment
