How to Make a Homemade High-Energy, Healthy Snack Bar

Many of us need a healthy pick-me-up snack in the afternoon to get a quick burst of energy to make it through the rest of the day. However, many of us go for the high-sugar candy bars and salty chips instead of a healthy energy bar loaded with vitamins, minerals, whole grains and fibers, which give you a healthy burst of energy without eating and taken in all those unhealthy sugars.

Did you know a person who goes for a candy bar with lots of unhealthy sugars will get a burst of energy and then crash down to being sluggish after about an hour? Well, if you did not know that you do now. Reason for the sudden quick crash is the sugar is broken down faster in your blood stream and is not filling you up with something nutritious. When this happens you become sluggish and begin to feel as though you can not make it through the day.

Did you know people who eat a healthy energy bar loaded with vitamins, minerals, whole grains, and fibers when they are hungry and need a quick pick me up actually make it through the day without feeling tired? Well, again if you didn’t know that piece of information you do now. Reason the people who eat the healthy energy bar loaded with vitamins, minerals, whole grains, and fiber are less sluggish in the afternoon and can make it through the day is because they stay full longer. These people stay full longer because the sugar breaks down slower in their blood stream and gives them a fuller feeling in their stomachs, which leads to begin able to make it through the day longer.

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I do know that some of you might not always have the money to purchase a healthy energy bar for a snack due to the high cost of the energy bars, and are more likely to pick up a candy bar loaded with sugar because they are much cheaper. However, you don’t have to worry about wasting your money on high cost energy bars and loaded sugar candy bars anymore. Why? Well because I am going to teach you how to make your own energy snack bar right from your own kitchen using healthy ingredients that will be sure to give you a good healthy kick of energy in the afternoon.

These loaded energy bars are very easy to make and require little time and money. The cost to make these energy bars is about ten dollars, but ten dollars gets you a large sheet filled with about a dozen high energy snack bars. Making these energy snacks bars cost you way less then paying $2.50 a bar at a convenient store. All you need to make these healthy filling bars is; 4 cups of cooking oats, 1 cup of wheat germ, ½ cup of honey, ½ of maple syrup, 1 tsp of salt, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, ½ of raisins or dried cranberries raisins, and some chopped walnuts and almonds. These ingredients provide you will vitamin C, B12, D, E and are loaded with minerals such as; zinc, iron, manganese, and have fiber and whole grain wheat which are ingredients that provide you with a healthy burst of energy and keep you fuller longer.

To make these bars all you will need is a large mixing bowl, a mixing spoon, a non stick large square deep casserole dish, and all the ingredients I mentioned about in the paragraph above. The first step to making these high energy bars is to prep heat your oven to 375 degrees. After you will pour you’re 4 cups of cooking oats, 1 cup of wheat germ, ½ cup of honey, ½ of maple syrup, 1 tsp of salt, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, ½ of raisins or dried cranberries raisins, and some chopped walnuts and almonds into your large mixing bowl and combined all the ingredients together. Your energy bar mixture should be thick and sticky looking, and all the ingredients should be all held together by the honey and maple syrup.

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The second step to making these energy bars is to place your mixture into a non stick square deep casserole dish and begin pushing the mixture down into the casserole dish using your spoon or hands. Be careful if you use your hand because the mixture is stick. You may want to put a little olive oil all over your hands before using them to push the mixture down into the pan. However you want you casserole dish to be completely full and the mixture to be completely press down flat into the dish forming one thick layer.

The third step is placing your energy bars into your 375 degree oven for about 20 minutes, or until golden brown on top. Once the bars are done baking remove them from the oven and place in a cool place to cool down for a bit. It usually takes about an hour for these energy bars to cool down.

Fourth step to making this snack is to remove the baked flat layer of what will soon be energy bars onto a piece of wax paper by flipping over the casserole dish and shaking it a bit until a large block of energy bar mix comes out. Once you finally get the large flat snack block out of the pan you will then take a sharp knife and cut your snack block into 2×6 inch long energy bars. After cutting your energy bars up they are ready to eat and that is all there is to that.

By now you should know not to waste your money on expensive energy bars from convenient stores, and on high sugared candy bars. You should also know why a candy bar is worse than a healthy energy bar. Most important you should have learned how to make a healthy energy snack bar quickly and inexpensively by reading this article. Now all you have to do is make the energy bars and eat them for a healthy snack.