How to Make a Diaper Cake for a Girl

There is something about baby girl’s that melt the heart. Sure, baby boys are cute, but they don’t turn us all to butter. With this strange symptom making a diaper cake for a baby girl can be one of the most fun things that there is to do for a baby shower. There is something beautiful and something completely fun about it.

You will need: For a diaper cake you will need a supporting bottom. This can be cardboard cut out, a serving platter, a pizza pan, or you can go and ask at the local bakery for a cake bottom (which will be made of a heavy duty cardboard. To make this piece more attractive you will want pretty tissue paper or wrapping paper to cover it. Next you will need a package of size one diapers. Additionally you will need pink curling ribbon, a wide pink or purple ribbon, and decorative items. To decorate a diaper cake you can use wash clothes made into fancy shapes, socks (either free or rolled into roses), pacifiers, toys, or even bottles and booties. You can have a lot of fun with that part of the cake. If you would like a smooth cake as apposed to the ruffled edged one that the diapers naturally make you may want some beautiful receiving blankets, wash cloths, or small towels.

Directions: To begin making a beautiful baby girl diaper cake you will want to wrap the base of the cake. The base is there to make it easy for you to carry your diaper cake to the shower, and for them to carry it home should they wish to keep it together during that time. You may want to ask for it back if it is a serving dish or pizza pan, or you can give it along with the diaper cake. You can wrap it in beautiful tissue paper or wrapping paper for a decorative touch.

See also  How to Decorate a Cake with Any Picture

Next you will want to roll your diapers. To do this lay them flat on the table and roll. Tie them with the curling ribbon. You can trim the curling ribbon or leave a few long and curl it for added decoration to your cake.

Place the diapers vertical on the center of the cake bottom. They will need to be arranged in a circle. Tie them tight with the wide ribbon. Next form a second row around this first row. Tie it tight with the wide ribbon. You now have the bottom layer of a two layer cake. If you wish for a three layer cake you will need one more row of diapers on this bottom layer. Now you will want to form a second layer by making a single circle from the vertical diaper rows. This should be done right on top of the other layer. Tie this tight. You now have the second layer of your cake. If you are making a third layer you will need one more row on your second layer and then a single row on the third layer.

You can choose to frost this cake for a smooth look. To do this you will need small towels, wash clothes, or receiving blankets. Carefully wrap them around the outer layer (while they are folded to the same height as the diapers) and tie them in place with your large ribbon.

Decorate: You are now to the decoration portion of your diaper cake making. This is where the fun really begins. You can use the different types of ribbon for starters. You can also use small toys and stuffed animals, rattles, socks (this is particularly fun with the lacy sort), booties, and a wide range of other small objects a mother will need or want for her baby girl. You can get creative, in fact the more creative you get the better. If you want to make objects from socks or wash cloths such as bunnies, lollipops, or roses then check out the article Creative Baby Shower Gifts for more information on how to make them.

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It is important that you have fun, stay relaxed, and let your creative juices flow for this project. You can create a beautiful diaper cake for a beautiful baby girl (or one that is on her way). This can be a great gift at a baby shower and can even be the hit of the party!