How to Lose Lower Belly Fat

Lower belly fat does not give the body a good shape and this can be so annoying looking at the mirror and dangling that extra stomach fat. As much as you try to cover it with your cloth still doesn’t deny the fact that you have got it. Before I share some personal and expert tips, you need to know how fat below the stomach is formed. The intake of sugar and excess carbohydrate has been the major cause and to stop this formation, this must be properly managed. It is important you know that you can not target lower stomach fat alone in the body without specific dietary changes and cardio exercise like:

• Aerobic – What aerobic does is to expose the muscles underneath the abdomen to lose body fat. These exposed muscle burn calories and that is one of the best ways to lose it quickly.

• Running is another major ways of losing lower belly fat. The energy used in the body is often powered by the calories in the body and to burn this fat, you need to burn more calories than you consume. While running calories get used up and for a continuous source of energy, the body gradually melts the used fat stored below the belly. This process makes running highly recommendable as an every day duty even if you are with or without lower belly fat.

• Dancing is a beautiful way to lose lower belly fat especially belly dancing if you are good at that and if not you can get a video tutorial. It does help!

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Here are some Personal and Expert tips I found extremely useful

• It’s always important to drink enough water to get rid of toxins and harmful materials in your body as to be hydrated. You need to drink 8-10 glasses (8oz) a day for average people and if you are an athlete or you live in a dry area, you might need to drink more. If you have kidney disease, get your doctor’s advice in regards.

• To lose lower belly fat you need to educate yourself about nutrition, learn what intake is bad and which is good. Start eating more meals a day 4 – 6 but with smaller portion, substitute products with their healthier alternative, try to reduce stress and get plenty of sleep.

• Doing cardio 4 – 5 times a week with combination of weight training 2 – 3 times a week is a great way to burn body fat, watching your calorie intake and doing palates does help sculpt those muscles. If you are not seeing result, change your diet, up your cardio and increase your weight pedometer; it measure how much you walk a day. Try to have 10,000 steps a day; this is the minimum you need to be in good shape.

• To work lower stomach fat, try sit-up or some specific abdominal exercise associated with breath control such as Yoga – Hatha Yoga-asanas, vajrasana with bending to the front should help for sure. To do that you need to knee down, sit on your knees, touch your thumb with the index finger while leaving other three fingers straight on both hands, keep this in the sides of the pelvic border and bend forward as much as you can. This is strongly recommended under the guidance of a yoga instructor or someone familiar with yogasanas.

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• Alternating between cardio and weight training (muscle burn more fat) eating right and consistently. Assuming 100 crunches a day will not help burn it off. You will not even be able to see great abs under that layer of fat if you do not incorporate cardio or aerobic exercise. If you want those muscles to show, a protein shake after your workout is recommended and because belly fat seems to burn off a lot slower than the rest of the body, it may take weeks to start seeing the changes.

Fat Burning foods

It’s important you increase you intake of high fiber. Low sugar will increase you metabolism and keep you from storing much fat. As listed above, consume more water than fruit drinks and often deny yourself of chocolate, cakes etc. Too much of fatty food will surely increase your cholesterol level and the end process is always sugar. So food likes wheat, oats and other complex carbohydrate concentrated grains are advisable for you to burn lower belly fat and form your desire body shape.