How to Set Up a Hamster Cage

Hamsters can be fantastic pets for both young and old if taken care of properly. It’s actually quite easy to take care of and tame a hamster so that it can be picked up and hand fed without any problems. These small creatures can become ill quite easily if you haven’t done your research prior to purchasing the pet. Setting up your hamsters’ cage is an essential step in proper pet care. Placing the wrong items in your hamsters cage can actually harm the animal and have dyer consequences.

How to Set Up a Hamster Cage – Bedding

When choosing hamster bedding at your local pet store, it is important to know that not all beddings are the same and some can actually harm your pet. Cedar, especially red cedar, and pine beddings should not be used in your hamsters’ cage. This is because these types of bedding contain oils and a strong fragrance that can potentially lead to skin rashes, lung inflammation, and other unwanted results. There have been many cases of hamsters dying from this cause. Saw dust bedding should be avoided due to the fact that it can irritate the hamsters’ eyes. Avoid using any cotton or wool material as bedding. These materials can be swallowed by your pet, causing them to get sick and usually resulting in death.

For hamster bedding, I recommended using Aspen shavings, Carefresh, or Yesterday’s News. All three of these are safe for hamster use and actually last much longer than traditional bedding. Plain shredded paper can also be used as bedding for your hamster, as well as unscented paper towels or tissues. The only down side of using these paper products is that they tend to get wet much faster and you will need to change your hamsters cage much more often.

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How to Set Up a Hamster Cage – House

It is essential that you allow the hamster a space to build its own bed or house. A great and simple house for a hamster can be a shoe box, tissue box, or a store purchased wooden or plastic home. Hamsters are nocturnal and sleep during the day so they need a home in order to sleep in a secluded area in the dark. Give your hamster tissues, paper towels, or shredded paper for their bed. They will typically shred the paper themselves and drag it into their bed area. Hamsters will not go to the bathroom near their house so do not change the bedding in their house often. While regular bedding should be changed at least once a week, their house bedding should only be changed about once a month.

How to Set Up a Hamster Cage – Food

Your hamsters’ food and waters should be changed everyday. Supply your hamster will about 3 tablespoons of regular hamster food each day. Either change the hamsters’ water bowl or refill their water bottle. Your pet will become sick without clean food or water so this step is essential.

Hamsters can also eat numerous fruits and vegetables. Each day, give your hamster ½ teaspoon of a piece of fruit or vegetable. Never overfeed these types of food to your hamster or it could cause medical problems. Hamsters love fruits such as apples, bananas, peaches, and pears. For vegetables, give your pet foods such as broccoli, lettuce, and alpha. Avoid feeding your hamster potatoes, citrus fruits, and any food that are high in fat, sugar, or sodium.

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How to Set Up a Hamster Cage – Toys

Pet hamsters become very friendly and personable over time. They often get bored when in their cage so its important to provide them with new toys frequently in order to live a happy and healthy life. Hamsters need to chew in order to keep their teeth down for proper eating and nutrition. Provide your hamster with chew toys, such as wood blocks, that can be purchased at any pet store. They also need a wheel in their cage for exercise. Without exercise, your hamster will become overweight and experience health issues. Hamsters are born to run so provide a ball that can be placed on the floor for them to run around a secured area.

Treats can be purchased from pet stores for hamsters that not only taste good to hamsters, but provide them with extra nutrients and more chewing toys. Hamster toys and treats are usually very inexpensive and may run about $2 to $3 per toy or treat bag. PetCo offers tons of hamster beddings, foods, treats, toys for your pet.

How to Set Up a Hamster Cage – Conclusion

Setting up your hamster cage is quite easy once you know the basics. Making your new pet happy and healthy should be your main goal. Once they adopt to their new surroundings, you will see a joyful hamster that will show it through contact with their owner.