A Look at Herbs that are Harmful During Pregnancy

During pregnancy most of us women tend to get a lot of aches and pains along with morning sickness and a whole load of other not nice symptoms. Many of ask our doctors and nutritionist what we can do to ease some of the discomforting symptoms during pregnancy and they will tell you to take alternative medicines such as herbs, but did you know some of those herbs could be dangerous for you and your baby during pregnancy? Well there are and I know at least ten of them out there on the market that you shouldn’t take while your pregnant and what may happen if you have been taken them during pregnancy.

The first herb that a woman shouldn’t take during pregnancy is Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is one of the most common herbs used to treat skin infections and stomach problems such as ulcers and constipation, but Aloe Vera can be very harmful and toxic to you and your baby during pregnancy especially when taken internally. Some side effects that might happen if you do take while your pregnant might be uterine contractions and during breastfeeding it may cause a toxin that is harmful to your baby.

The second herb that is very dangerous to take during pregnancy is Fever Few. Fever Few is a very popular herb to use for headaches and inflammation, but it is very dangerous to take during pregnancy because it can cause miscarriages and sever bleeding. So stop taking Fever Few if you are pregnant immediately to prevent dangerous health risks for you and your baby.

The third most dangerous herb to take while your pregnant is Goldenseal. Goldenseal is usually used to treat health problems such as bacterial infections, fungus, and parasitic infection. It is also used for treating colds, hemorrhoids, eye infections, upset stomachs, and inflammation in the body. However, taking Goldenseal while your pregnant may cause uterine contractions and server allergic reactions. So stay away from Goldenseal during pregnancy and stop taken if you are pregnant as soon as possible.

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The fourth herb that is extremely dangerous to take during pregnancy is Penny-royal. Penny-royal is sometimes used to flavor food and add scent to an air freshener to freshen up the air in a room and is even used for making soaps and laundry detergent. However, Penny-royal has been known to cause fast abortions, organ failure, skin rashes, brain damage, and many other very harmful side effects. It will even induce labor very early if taken during pregnancy and can even be very toxic when used in a room as an air freshener or even when your using it a a soap. Stay away from Penny-royal when your pregnant in general.

The fifth herb you shouldn’t take during your nine months of pregnancy is Ephedra. Ephedra is commonly used for treating health problems such as respiratory infection and nasal congestion’s. However, when you take Ephedra during pregnancy it may cause hyper tension, diabetes, sleeping problems, heart attack, and early labor. So I highly recommend that you simply just don’t use this herb during pregnancy.

The sixth herb you should take at all during pregnancy is Wormwood. Wormwood is usually used to treat health problems such as heartburn and loss of appetite. It has also been used for treating parasite infections inside the body and ulcers. Wormwood however can cause serious side effects when taken during pregnancy such as causing your infant to develop certain health problems and disabilities. Wormwood should also be avoid during breast feeding because it may be toxic to your baby.

The seven herb that most be avoid during pregnancy is Yarrow. Yarrow is used as an astringent to cleanse skin infections and helps heal and shrink hemorrhoids. Yarrow however, should not be taken during pregnancy because it can cause miscarriages, cause the baby to be under weight when they are born, and causes the babies to be born with breathing problems and gastrointestinal problems. Basically, you just want to stay away from Yarrow when your pregnant.

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The eighth herb that should be avoid during pregnancy is Cat’s Claw. Cat’s Claw is typically used for treating immune system problems. However, when you take Cat’s Claw during pregnancy it will cause an abortions because it is mainly used to prevent pregnancy from even happening. I highly recommend you stay away from the Cat’s Claw herb if you want to get pregnant or are pregnant to prevent any dangerous side effects.

The ninth and most commonly used herb that should be avoided completely during pregnancy is Nutmeg. Nutmeg is mainly used for adding flavor to desserts and common food dishes, but when you take Nutmeg during pregnancy it can be extremely harmful and toxic to your baby believe it or not and could even possible cause early labor and miscarriages. So when you are cooking or thinking about using Nutmeg when your pregnant, just don’t!

The tenth and last most commonly used herb you should avoid when pregnant is Chamomile. Chamomile is used in teas, facial washes, foods, oils, any many other common used items to treat anxiety, depression, stress, stomach problems, and many more health conditions. However when you take Chamomile during pregnancy it can cause miscarriages and even have harmful side effects to your unborn fetus. It may even cause brain damage to your unborn baby and other unknown health conditions. I really suggested anyone who has been taking the Chamomile herb to stop now if you are pregnant because you don’t want to harm your unborn baby.

Well, there you have it! Ten of the most commonly used herbs to treat many health conditions that shouldn’t be used during pregnancy. Remember to always check with your doctor before taken any kind of herb for any kind of health condition because all herbs cause side affects and shouldn’t be take with certain be taken with certain health conditions, and always do your research before taken any kind of herbal supplement or medications because you never know what the side affects might be. If you would like to know more about more common herbs used to treat health problems that shouldn’t be taken during pregnancy than go to the website attached to my article and I hope all this information in this article helps those of you out there who are pregnant and wondering what you can and can not take during pregnancy.

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