How to Identify and Treat Spider Bites

Knowing how to identify and treat a spider bite is very important. Most spiders are harmless, their bite may hurt but you’ll be fine. Spiders are more scared of you, then you are of them. If you need to identify and spider bite and treat a spider bite, there are a few things you should remember.

Spider bites tend to hurt, do to the poison, but some spider bites will not hurt at all. Most spiders only bite you once in self-defense, so if there are multiple bites it may not be a spider. Spider bites will almost always be one bump with no rash. If you are bitten by a highly poisonous spider such as the black widow, you will suffer immediate pain, burning, redness, and swelling in the area of the bite. If you are unsure what kind of bite you have suffered consult a physician.

Treating a Spider Bite is very easy. You should first wash the spider bite with soap and water. Applying an ice pack or a cold cloth to the area will relieve any swelling and some pain. Many antibiotic lotions and creams are available on the market for spider bites. Having spider bite cream in your first aid kit is a good idea, apply the cream as the direction instruct. You may take pain medication for the pain if necessary. If you are not 100 percent sure what kind of spider bite you you should consult a physician immediately. Some children have died from a normal spider bite due to allergic reaction, so if a child is bitten by a spider you should see your doctor right away.

See also  Identifying and Treating Spider Bites - Know the Signs and Symptoms

While knowing how to treat a spider bite is great, preventing spider bites is even better. There are lots of things you can do to protect yourself from spiders. One of the easiest ways to keep yourself spider free is to have a bug exterminator come to your house yearly. This will not only keep you safe from spiders, but also many other bugs. One of the most common ways to get bitten by a spider is while working in the yard. It is a good idea to wear safe clothing while working in the yard. Boots, gloves, and pants will keep you very safe from spiders. Always be aware of you surroundings, if you see a spider web that means that there are spiders in the area and you should be careful. The number one way to keep yourself from getting bitten by a spider is to be smart. Think first and be safe, and the spiders won’t bother you.

1.Wash the spider bite with soap and water.
2.Apply a cold washcloth to the spider bite.
3.Use an antibiotic spider cream on the bite.
4.Use pain medication if necessary.
5.Consult a Doctor or Medical Professional as soon as possible.
6.If you know for a fact that you where bitten by a highly poisonous spider call 911 immediately.