How to Heal Carpel Tunnel & Repetitive Strain Injury

1. Carpal Tunnel syndrome is a condition that affects only a fraction of the entire population. Carpal Tunnel only affects the writs and any other pain you have in other parts of your body is not due to carpal tunnel. Repetitive Strain Injury is the most likely culprit for this pain. Repetivie Strain Injury may cause symptoms similar to Carpal Tunnel, however it generally affects other areas in your upper body in addition to the wrists.2. If you are thinking about getting a medical professional to treat your Carpel Tunnel syndrome with surgery, you may want to investigate other, less invasive treatments first. Typically, doctors will prescribe splints and anti-inflammatory drugs before suggesting surgery. Usually, if you use a computer often, refraining from typing may be part of the regiment prescribed by a doctor to eliminate your Carpel Tunnel pain. Using a computer is a great way to exercise all the muscles in your hands, and also a great way to cause these muscles to become inflamed. If not dealt with, the delicate muscle tissue in the hands can become scarred from the prolonged stress and inflammation; cumulative is the injury to your hands in this way.

3. Modifying your daily habits is another great, free way to heal your carpel tunnel syndrome! Before you use your hands for any strenuous activity (like typing on a computer) make sure you stretch them out before you start. If you have ever seen an athlete run, you know that there is stretching done before working those muscles to prevent injury. Additionally, stretching your hands after using them is another way to significantly improve the flexibility and loosen the tension built up in the muscle tissue. Contrary to common opinion, Stretching after any kind of exercise is the most effective time you can stretch. Post-exercise stretching is so effective because your muscles are warm and pliable, in contrast to when you first begin. Always try to take breaks after periods of intense work, this will allow your hands and upper body a good rest where it can rejuvenate and get ready for more work.

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4. The most common cause of RSI, or repetitive strain injury, is the habits and ways in which you work your hands. By modifying your lifestyle to be more optimal for your hands health, you can drastically reduce the strain repetitive strain injury puts on your body. If you have a high stress job, working over eight hours a day, typically using most of your time to punch buttons (on a computer or otherwise), you are a prime candidate for developing repetitive strain injury. Your sleeping, social life, and every activity you engage in throughout the day can be affected by the pain of repetitive strain injury.

5. Another solution to repetitive strain injury is to use soft tissue treatments. Coupling soft tissue treatments with a change in lifestyle and massage can improve your repetitive strain injury and carpel tunnel pain. Many people have experienced a great degree of success with such treatments. Using less invasive, and costly methods can be a great way to save money and avoid surgery. Make sure you talk to your doctor before you make any permanent choice about treating your repetitive strain injury or carpel tunnel syndrome.