How to Have a GPS Treasure Hunt

People have always enjoyed hunting for treasure. Who hasn’t heard some kind of story growing up about some lost or hidden fortune that is somewhere nearby just for the finding? The only problem was no one knew just exactly where it was. Treasure maps leading to unknowable fortunes have been the subjects of more than one story.

Treasure Island was always one of my favorite movies. A small boy is given a treasure map from a dying pirate, which sets in motion a great adventure. It would be very cool to find a huge treasure and live the life of your dreams. Think for a minute about the adventure waiting you if you were to find a treasure map and followed it. You see it’s the hunt that is the adventure. Wouldn’t that be so cool?

Today there is a really neat activity catching on that has all the elements of a good time adventure allowing people to rediscover the fun of that hunt. What am I referring to? It’s an activity call a GPS Treasure Hunt. GPS stands for Global Positioning System. GPS tracks your locations from a satellite. Mostly a GPS is used by people to find their way around without getting lost. Of course this goes both ways as well in that you can use a GPS to track someone else’s location too.

Now what does this have to do with a GPS treasure hunt? Here is how it works. Just like above the GPS is use to find locations with different items pre placed there by the hunt organizers. The object is to locate hidden items located throughout a given area. This geographical area can encompass hundreds of miles or just be local. Whole families have gotten involved in these hunts and had a really good time.

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Many of these types of treasure hunts have different themes with the only limit being the organizers imagination and funding. The rules of the hunt are made by the hunt organizers and can be a strait forward hunt with each person given a sheet with enough information to find the first location. Normally each location requires finding an item on a list and getting information to the next location for the next item.

Or it can be quit elaborate using cryptic clues at the GPS location that requires figuring out where to find the next item needed. One cryptic method would be that the organizers supply two sheets. The first will give the exact route you need to find the clues. The second one will contain cryptic clues leading to the item itself and indicate what you are to collect at that location.

There are GPS treasure hunts that don’t have any rules; of course that means anything goes. If you get in this type of hunt you may want to make sure you have the constitution for it. Most people especially when the whole family is participating will want to join a well-organized hunt with reasonable rules governing it. The whole point of the hunt is the fun and the adventure of it with the prize at the end being the icing on the cake so to speak.

Most of us don’t have million dollar budgets to go after the few really big treasures still buried somewhere in the world. But the GPS treasure hunt has given us a way to join in the adventure we might never otherwise been able to enjoy. You can find out more about GPS treasure hunts by just doing an online search using the term “GPS treasure hunt. Whether you are going to join a high tech international treasure hunt with thousands of dollars as the prize or just a local group getting out just for the fun of it you will not be disappointed. So why not get yourself a GPS than get out and experience the trill of the hunt and rediscover what a little bit of adventure can do for you. Happy hunting.