How to Grow Roses from Stem Cuttings

Growing roses from stem cuttings is the quickest, most effective way of propagating roses. While there are only a few ways to propagate roses, stem cuttings and seeds are the most common. However, growing roses from seeds can take a lot of time and patients along with trial and error. I have found that growing roses from stem cuttings is the most effective way and requires only 2-3 weeks. I prefer to grow roses from stem cuttings to insure proper color, quick rooting and to save money. Here are 8 simple steps to growing roses from stem cuttings.

What you will need:

Healthy rose cuttings from your favorite rose bush

Rose shears

Razor or sharp knife

Small pot (around 3″)

Gallon bag

Rubber Band

Potting soil (enough to fill the pot)

Sand (about ½ cup)

How to grow Roses from stem cuttings step #1:

Start by taking cuttings from a healthy rose bush that is free of diseases. Be sure to cut from stems that are blooming or have recently bloomed. If you cut from a non-blooming stem, you will get a non-blooming rose bush. You can cut them 5-20 or more inches depending on you preference and the length of your stem. I used 2 stems about 18 inches long and cut them into sections.

How to grow Roses from stem cuttings step #2:

After you have your stems cut into sections, be sure to cut off any blooms. They will take away nutrients needed to survive the change. Also take away any old or unnecessary leaves but be sure to leave 1 or 2 leaflets.

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How to grow Roses from stem cuttings step #3:

Once you have your sections prepared, using sharp snips are a razor blade, cut the bottom tip at a sharp angle. Then ‘wound’ the area by cutting a thing layer from the area with the razor place or sharp knife. I personally usually wound one side of the stem from the very tip up to about 1 inch.

How to grow Roses from stem cuttings step #4:

After wounding your cuttings, dip the tips into fresh water, tap off the excess and dip in routing hormone. Rooting hormone is not required but is helpful to prevent rotting.

How to grow Roses from stem cuttings step #5:

Using a small pot (I use 3″ terracotta pots), place about 3/4 of an inch of sand in the bottom. Then fill the rest of the pot with a well draining indoor mix. Wet the soil and insure that it is very moist but not soggy.

How to grow Roses from stem cuttings step #6:

Place the cuttings in the pot at a diagonal slant. Be sure to push them down as far as they can go with out touching the leaves to insure that they make it to the sand.

How to grow Roses from stem cuttings step #7:

Once your cuttings are in place, using a 1 gallon Ziploc bag, create a safe environment for your rose cuttings. Fill the bag with air, place it over the pot about halfway down the sides and secure with a rubber band to hold the air in. You may have to blow air into the bag to insure that it stays up. You can also use a straw or a stick with a blunt end to place inside the pot and hold the bag up.

See also  How to Cut Roses from Your Rose Bush

How to grow Roses from stem cuttings step #8:

Very little is left to do now. Simply insure that the cuttings are moist. Due to the Ziploc bag, you will not need to mist them. The bag will create a greenhouse effect and keep the plants humid.

You will see the condensation inside the bag and rest assured, that is a good thing. If you don’t see any with in a day or so then check the moisture in the plant. Simply water as needed every few days.

Be sure to place your potted cuttings out of sunlight. Too much sunlight will cause them to dry out, burn and die. Keep them in a shaded area with some diffused light. I usually put them on the floor under my window to keep them out of the sun but still provide light.

In a few weeks check your cuttings for roots. You should be able to lightly tug on them a feel resistance. If you do, then proceed to carefully removing them to check their root systems.

Once they have rooted, replace them if necessary and place the pot outside in a very shaded area for a few days. This will allow them to get used to the heat. Then gradually move them a little further into the sun every few days. Sticking them outside in direct sun immediately will cause them to wilt.