How to Grow Long Fingernails

I am not what you would call a girly girl, but I do have my vices. One of those is my thick, curly hair that everyone loves (though I haven’t always loved it) and the other one is my long, healthy fingernails. Over the years, I’ve tried every trick in the book to keep my fingernails long and healthy, strong and beautiful. I type for a living, so this wasn’t always easy!

So in this article, I’ll share with you my tips for how to grow long and strong fingernails.

How to Grow Long Nails – Start by trimming.

This might seem counterproductive, but it’s only for the beginning of growing long nails. The first thing you should do is trim every nail to be an even, equal length to the others. You also want to make sure your fingernail doesn’t extend into the finger bed, so the fingernails grow out without hanging on the skin.

How to Grow Long Nails – File nails regularly.

Nails should be filed whenever they split, crack or begin to grow uneven. However, a lot of women file the nail file or emery board. Metal fingernail files are bad for your nails, so you’re better off with a fine grit emery board. File the nail in one direction only, instead of moving the emery board back and forth across the tip of the nail. This will prevent the nail from splitting or peeling due to stress.

How to Grow Long Nails – Buy a nail buffer.

Buff the tops of the nails with a proper fingernail buffer. Do not use sanded boards or metal files for buffing nails. Buff only until the nail shines, but not more after that, or you run the risk of weakening the nail.

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How to Grow Long Nails – Push back cuticles.

Using a cuticle pusher, push the cuticles back to where they cannot be seen growing onto the nail. If you’re not sure what a cuticle is, it’s the skin at the bed of the nail where the fingernail meets the finger. There’s a little skin there that connects and grows onto the nail.

How to Grow Long Nails – Clip hangnails and snags.

Sometimes the cuticle or the skin around the nail will get hard and tear away from the fingernail. These snags should be clipped with nail clippers as close to the skin as possible without nipping the skin. If you accidentally cut your skin, be sure to put an antiseptic on the nick immediately, or you risk a nail infection.

How to Grow Long Nails – Use a hardening top coat.

A nail hardening topcoat with a protein formula in it helps to strengthen the nail internally, while also protecting the nail with the coating. If you use a clear nail topcoat, you can reapply as often as needed without worrying about chipping or peeling of the color.

How to Grow Long Nails – the most important nail-growing tip!

This is the part of growing long, healthy, strong nails that is an absolute must and it’s the hardest part of all! You have to learn to change the way you use your hands so that you protect your fingernails. When typing, learn to angel your fingers so the nails don’t come down directly on the keyboard. When washing dishes, wear gloves!

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If you follow these tips, growing long, strong, healthy fingernails is super easy. If you’ve failed in growing long nails in the past, chances are you have tried all these steps except the last one! Learn how to adjust how you use your hands and nails, and you too can grow long and healthy fingernails too!