How to Grow and Care for Moss

Moss adds a great deal of color and beauty to the landscape, and in the right location it can add a mystical touch. Not only does moss add vibrant color and design, but it also chokes out weeds and other unwanted growth. Those who grow moss instead of grass never have to mow, and it is an attractive groundcover that requires very little care. Consider the following information on how to grow and care for moss. You can create an emerald green blanket that will add splendor and magnificence to potted outdoor plants or a large area of your yard. Moss really is very easy to grow and maintain, and it is an excellent choice for any well shaded location.

Soil Requirements and Conditioning

Although it is easy to grow and care for, it does not grow well in all locations, and it has a few requirements in order to thrive. Moss will grow best in acidic soil, and if it is not already thriving in the area, the soil should be tested with a simple kit. Kits for testing soil acidity can be found online and in many stores that sell gardening supplies. Once the soil acidity level is established, it can be raised if necessary with the addition of ferrous sulfate, aluminum sulfate, or sulfur. Follow product label instructions for optimal results.

Transplanting Tips

Moss spreads easily, and once established it is a very low-maintenance foliage and an excellent choice for those who want a groundcover that is easy to care for. To achieve good results, transplant moss in the spring when rain is plentiful and temperatures are still low. Prepare the soil by working out any large clumps and remove any debris. It should be fine and smooth. Place clumps of transplanted moss on top of the soil, and tamp it down gently. Water it often and it will naturally spread and eventually fill in bare areas.

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Reviving Dried Moss

Surprisingly, dried moss can be revived, and it will grow into a carpet that is just as green and every bit as vibrant as transplanted moss. Sprinkle the dried foliage on well worked damp soil. Keep it moist and before long it will come back to life.

Optionally, dried moss can be mixed with buttermilk and blended smooth. Place one handful of dried foliage in a blender along with one cup of buttermilk. Pour the mixture over well prepared soil that is smooth and moist. Keep it moist with a daily misting of water. The buttermilk will not create a bad odor and many people prefer this method.

The dried foliage can also be revived and transplanted using a combination of beer and sugar. Blend one can of warm beer with two cubes or one teaspoon of granulated sugar. Add in a handful of dried moss, and blend it into a semi-smooth mixture. Pour it over well worked moistened soil, and keep the ground damp. Allow it several days to begin to grow, and with patience and proper care it will grow and spread beautifully.