How to Give a Funny Best Man Speech

One of the great traditions at a wedding is for the best man is to make a speech to the happy couple at the wedding reception.

While you might be a little nervous, it will be a lot easier if you feel confident in what you are going to say. Here are some tips for giving a funny best man speech.

Introduce Yourself.

Quite often many at the affair might not know who you are in relation to the couple. Introduce yourself as friend, brother or family member and then say something to the effect of “I’ve been helping Bill get out of messes for years now…” Then turn to the bride in a light hearted matter and say “Thank you so much, I’m glad he’s your problem now.

Compliment the Bride.

While funny best men speeches usually revolve around taking some fun shots at the groom, do not forget it is the bride’s day as well. A compliment about how beautiful she looks, how the groom doesn’t deserve her, how hearts are breaking all over the world tonight because she is now off the market and a funny comment about how it is not as great a day for the bride as she thinks, because after all she didn’t marry the best man, should keep things fun and light as well as be complimentary to the bride.

A good example of this would be “Jack… Joanne is a wonderful, beautiful, kind and good hearted person who deserves a great husband. Thank goodness you snapped her up before she found one. ”

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Share a funny story of the two of them.

If you have any funny stories of the two of them this would be a good place to include them. Just be sure it isn’t anything truly embarrassing. It should be a story that you know for a fact the bride and groom would laugh at and would share on their own with other people.

Throw in a couple of famous quotes about marriage.

If you cannot think of any funny stories or need a little filler, you can include a couple of funny quotes on marriage such as:

Before marriage, a man will lie awake all night thinking about something you said; after marriage, he’ll fall asleep before you finish saying it.” – Helen Roland

“May all your ups and downs come only in the bedroom.” (Be sure this is a bawdier crowd however – you do not want to insult anyone.) – source unknown

“Behind every great man there is a surprised woman.” Maryon Pearson

“I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” Rita Rudner

“He early on let her know who is the boss. He looked her right in the eye and clearly said, “You’re the boss.” – source unknown

“They have come up with a perfect understanding. He won’t try to run her life, and he won’t try to run his, either.”

Show Appreciation to Whoever Threw The Wedding

The perfect best mens’ speech should not only include laughter, but sincere gratitude and appreciation as well. Find out from the groom who contributed financially to the wedding and be sure to extend a heartfelt thanks. If it was only the bride and groom that paid, be sure to thank them on everyone’s behalf for throwing such a beautiful event and inviting all of you to share in it. If both sides parents were involved be sure to include a thank you to them as well.

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Wrap it Up.

All joking aside, it is time to truly wish the couple future health and happiness. Be sure to ask everyone to raise their glasses and toast the happy couple to a wonderful future together.