Affordable Proofreading & Critique Service for Screenplays & Query Letters

The goal of writers of screenplays and scripts is to have their work made into a movie. To get to that stage writers must first have their work prepared according to industry standards. If a script is not in industry standard format it will not be considered by agents and producers. Everyday movie agents and producers are flooded with query letters and scripts. Instead of reading them all they only read the ones that are written in accordance to the standard formats for query letters and scripts.

Before contacting an agent or producer writers should have their query letters and scripts proofread and critiqued. A professional critique and proofreading service can be costly. Following are some suggested services that I found to provide good service for a reasonable cost.

This service offers critiques and proofreading for film scripts and query letters for film scripts.

For Screenplays:
Scripts are read to make sure they are correctly formatted to the movie industry standards. It is also proofread for grammar, spelling, typos, etc…

The critiques are based on (1) script length, (2) character development (3)plot development

For Query Letters:
Because there is an industry standard format for screenplay query letters, the writer is simply sent a format outline for a standard query letter showing what it should contain. A list of questions about the script is also sent. The answers to the questions are used the form the actual letter. This makes writing the query letter very simple.

The service fees are:

Proofreading $10.00
Critique $10.00
Query letter (critique & proofreading) $5.00

Because of the high volume of work, service is limited to the scripts written for family, children, fantasy, and drama films. The scripts must be 90 to 115 pages long.

See also  10 Tips for Proofreading Articles for Mistakes

There are no phone discussions and consultations with the writers, which is why the fee is so low. Instead all communication is done entirely by email. Writers are sent a copy of their scripts and/or letters high lighting correction that need to be made and a copy showing the corrections.

Contact Information:
Affordable Proofreading & Critiques For Screenplays & Query Letters
Email: [email protected]


This proofreading service is offered to book Authors and screen writers. The services offered are for:

1) Formatting: Convert a manuscript or screenplay into the correct industry standard format. There is no proofreading or editing
2) Proofreading: Check and correct all spelling, grammar, syntax, and typos. (No formatting or editing)
3) Light Editing: Correct common tense and flow errors plus polish sentence structure and selection. Includes proofreading, but not formatting
4) Full Service: Includes light editing, proofreading, and formatting to industry standards

No critique service is offered.

The cost of the services are based on a per word rate.
1) The Formatting Service is $0.003/per word
2) Proofreading Service is $0.01/per word
3) Light Editing service is $0.04/per word
4) Full Service is $0.0043/per word

An advantage of the per word rate is that the writer knows up front what exactly will be charged. Writers can calculate the service charges. The charges can be costly if a writers work is lengthy. I found the service offered here to be very good, especially the formatting service. The scripts formatted by them can be used as good guides and references when writing.

Contact Information:
Andrew Randall
Phone: (817) 806-6446 Fax: (916) 384-3796
Email: [email protected]

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SCRIPTPROOF offers a variety of services to help writers with about every detail in preparing a script, proofreading, a script, and critiquing a script. The service are:

1. Proofreading: which includes formatting according to industry standards, spelling, grammar, structure, etc…
2. Script critique Service includes Coverage, a detail evaluation of the script which offers suggestions and specifies strengths and weaknesses.

Story Research service researches the stories genre to see if there is an industry demand, which is very helpful. This service can prevent a writer from wasting time and energy working on a story that has no future in the movie and literary market.

The services offered to prepare a script for pitching are:
1. Treatment: The writing of a 3-45 summary of the script.
2. Character Biographies: a list of characters in scripts and books, their role& relationships
3. Log Line: Two to three sentence description of a script

The services costs are:
1. Proofreading $0.85/per page
2. Coverage $65.00
3. Treatment $75.00
4. Character Biographies $45.00
5. Log Line $ 35.00
6. Story Research $100.00
7. Unscripted pitch $55.00

Services are also offered in discount bundles.
1. Full Service Bundle $275.00 (proofreading, coverage, treatment, synopsis, logline)
2. Reader proofing $175.00 (proofreading, coverage, loglines)
3. Pitchproofing $155.00 (treatment, synopsis, logline, query letter)

Contact Information:
Web site:

SCRIPTS: AFFORDABLE PROOFREADING & CRITIQUE SERVICE, PROFESSIONAL & AFFORDABLE PROOFREADING EDITING& WRITING SERVICE BY ANDREW RANDALL, and SCRIPTPROOF are all good services that I would recommend. The services they provide are of good quality for the prices.

Cost Comparison
1. Proofreading $10.00
2. Critique $10.00
3. Query Letter help $5.00

1) The Formatting Service is $0.003/per word
2) Proofreading Service is $0.01/per word
3) Light Editing service is $0.04/per word
4) Full Service is $0.0043/per word

See also  10 Helpful Tips to Make Your Cover Letter Stand Out

1. Proofreading $0.85/per page
2. Coverage $65.00
3. Treatment $75.00
4. Character Biographies $45.00
5. Log Line $ 35.00
6. Story Research $100.00
7. Unscripted pitch $55.00

Services discount bundles.
1. Full Service Bundle $275.00 (proofreading, coverage, treatment, synopsis, logline)
2. Reader proofing $175.00 (proofreading, coverage, loglines)
3. Pitchproofing $155.00 (treatment, synopsis, logline, query letter)

I found that services offered by SCRIPTS: AFFORDABLE PROOFREADING & CRITIQUE SERVICE is good quality. The time it takes to have a script done is a little long(3 to 4 weeks). However this is due to work load.

What I like about SCRIPTS: AFFORDABLE PROOFREADING & CRITIQUE SERVICE, and PROFESSIONAL & AFFORDABLE PROOFREADING EDITING& WRITING SERVICE BY ANDREW RANDALL, and SCRIPTPROOF is you get the name and phone number of actual personal contact. Whichever one you choice, you will receive quality proofreading service.

A good tip for a writer is to keep all the critiques and edited materials and use them as references when writing future scripts. This can save money in the future.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (817) 806-6446 Fax: (916) 384-3796
Email: [email protected]

Web site:
