How to Get Rid of Diaper Smells

When caring for a baby that’s still in diapers, some new parents may feel overwhelmed not only by the fact that they have to change diapers every hour or so, but also because of the smell that’s coming from the diapers. Well, parents, you’re in luck! There are several things that you can do in order to keep the stink at bay. Many baby manufacturers know that parents are concerned with this issue as well, so they have placed several products on the market that will make your diaper-changing days a whole lot easier to deal with.

Diaper Champ

This is one product that parents should be thankful for! The Diaper Champ by Baby Trend encloses the baby’s diapers in a diaper pail that closes in the scent of the diaper. There’s also no need to worry about squeezing the diaper through a small hole in the top because all you have to do is place the diaper in position on the Diaper Champ and turn the handle so it falls through the space where it stores the diapers until you’re ready to put them out to the trash. Another convenient feature about Diaper Champ is the fact that it not only allows you to use it with either cloth diapers or disposable diapers, but you don’t have to buy any special bags for it either.

Scented Trash Bags

Trash bag manufacturers definitely had parents with small babies in mind when they introduced scented trash bags. There are all types of colors and scents available, but the scented trash bags are meant to lessen the effects of the smelling diapers in the trash can. Vanilla, orange, and blueberry are three examples of fresh scents that you can place in your trash can. Also, for the amount of time that you usually have the trash bag in the trash can, the smell hardly leaves the room. Scented trash bags are definitely a must for new parents that are dealing with baby diapers because you can use them a couple different ways. You can either use them in your regular trash can or you can choose to use the scented trash bags in a product like the Baby Trend Diaper Champ that was discussed earlier.

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Air Fresheners

Using air fresheners is always a good method to get rid of bad and unpleasant odors and the same is true for baby diapers. Placing an air freshener right beside or behind the trash can that holds the baby diapers is not a bad idea! Air fresheners can either work alone or they can be used in conjunction with scented trash bags and the Diaper Champ.

Of course, there is no method that gets rid of diaper smells 100%, but the several products that have been listed all do a very good job at keeping those stinky baby diapers in an area where you can’t smell them. Baby diapers are unpleasant for everyone to smell and these products are excellent solution so that everyone will smell them less so that everyone can be happier!