How to Get Perfect Abs in 5 Minutes

A quick survey of the fitness section in your local bookstore will reveal that many members of the North American public yearn to have a flat stomach and toned, fit abs. But having a flat stomach and six-pack abs are not strictly a vanity subject. Healthy, strong abdomen muscles are required for overall health. According to the U.S. Army’s health specialists, the Transverse Abdominus (the muscle that creates those famed six pack abs) act “as a stabilizer to your entire middle section” and is an essential element of the core that keeps your entire body stable (source).

In this fitness and exercise workout guide, I will show you four simple exercises to strengthen your core, build your ab muscles, tone and flatten your stomach and reveal six-pack abs that will be the envy of your colleagues at the gym. Just 5 minutes of each of these exercises can quickly and efficiently harden your stomach and create the chiseled, slim look you want.

How to Get Perfect Abs in 4 Minutes:

Great news to all those model hopefuls! You don’t have to spend loads of your money to go to the fitness clubs to get that perfect abs you’ve been dreaming of. Introducing the different abs workout that can be done anywhere you want ant anytime. These exercises may be much harder than the equipments use in fitness clubs, but as long as you do these abs workouts frequently for sure you will get that perfect abs you long wished for.

In doing the different abs workout you have to be energized first because these are not easy especially for beginners. You also need a level floor where you can lie down and be sure to place a mat to protect your back.

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The first abs workout is the very common Basic Crunches:

1. Lie on the floor and raise your knees a little.
2. Place your hands on your sides or behind your head.
3. Using your shoulders, slowly carry your body towards your knees.
4. Repeat step 3 4 times or until how far your body can carry it out.

The next abs workout is the Leg Raise:

1. Lie on the floor like a dead person.
2. Place both your hands behind your head.
3. Slowly lift your legs to about 8 inches from the floor and hold it for 20 seconds.
4. Raise your legs up another 8 inches more for about 20 seconds still.
5. Raise your legs up to 45 degrees from the floor.
6. Repeat step 5 3-4 times or until how far your body can carry it out.

The third abs workout is the Crunch Twist:

1. Perform step 1-2 of Basic Crunches.
2. Using your left shoulder, slowly carry you body towards your right knee. Do it for 5 times straight.
3. Do it with your right shoulder towards your left knee. Do it for 5 times straight.
4. You can repeat step 2-3 or you can combine it with the basic crunch.

The fourth abs workout is the Plank:

1. Lie down facing on the mat resting on your forearms
2. Place the side of your hands in a fist shape
3. Push off the floor using your hands raising your body on top of your toes while resting to your forearm and elbows.
4. Keep your back flat in a straight line
5. Tilt your pelvis and contract abdominals
6. Hold it for 60 seconds
7. Repeat for 3-4 times or until how far your body can carry it out.

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There are many abs workout exercises that are introduced today. You can have any choices but it is best advised to combine all the introduce abs workout to achieve that perfect body faster.