How to Get Boobs like Marisa Miller

How to Get Boobs Like Marisa MillerBy chrisdavy
Getting boobs like Marisa Miller is about weight control and good diet.

Believe it or not, getting boobs like Marisa Miller is all about weight control, diet, and exercise. Now you might not end up looking like an airbrushed model, but you can definitely have an attractive figure if you put these ideas into action.

Also, while you might say you only want boobs like Marisa Miller, what you probably want is the same confidence in your body that she has.

How to get boobs like Marisa Miller, aka treating your body right and having confidence in yourself, coming up!Things You’ll Need:

  1. Step 1 Get boobs like Marisa Miller by using organic foods and eating before workouts.First step to get boobs like Marisa Miller: Diet.

    Marisa Miller has said in interviews that she loves organic foods and eats before every workout. Keep processed foods out of your diet. Specifically, Marisa eats oatmeal, bananas, protein shakes, almond and soy milk, and fiber bars for snacks.

    But here’s the surprise — when she EAT eats, she absolutely eats. From Marisa’s own mouth, when she has a soda, it’s not diet. And when she has a burger, she has a BURGER. She just “makes sure not to do it every day.”

  2. Step 2 Get boobs like Marisa Miller by using her workout plan.Second step to get boobs like Marisa Miller: Exercise.

    Yes, much of Marisa Miller’s boobage is based on natural forces, but making boobs bigger has as much to do with body ratio as actual boob size. Keep your waist, thighs, and shoulders small, and boobs look bigger.

    Though specific exercises would be redundant to list here, the link to Marisa Miller’s workout is below. It is very important to note that Marisa herself considers working out a “necessity, not a luxury,” so if you’re expecting this not to be hard, you might want to quit now.

  3. Step 3 Get boobs like Marisa Miller by focusing some of your workout on your pecs.Third step to get boobs like Marisa Miller: Specific chest exercises to lift and tone.

    Boobs rest on pectoral muscles. Light weight training with an exercise ball will strangthen these muscles, and those muscles will hold up your breasts. Don’t worry; they won’t shrink the boobs.

    The three exercises are butterfly lifts on an exercise ball, modified push ups, and isometric chest flexes. The exact description of how to do these exercises are here:

  4. Step 4 Get boobs like Marisa Miller by physical stimulation.Step 4 to boobs like Marisa Miller: Stimulation.

    It makes sense that paying attention and driving your body’s resources to a particular area of your body would stimulate it and, in the case of breasts, make them grow. This technique won’t turn an A cup into a D, but if you’re looking for a natural remedy before step 5 (slightly invasive, but not surgical procedures), give it a shot.

    You basically just act like you’re giving yourself a pap smear repetitiously. Make circles around your breasts with your hands slowly 200-300 times a day. Doesn’t cost anything — give it a shot.

  5. Step 5 Get boobs like Marisa Miller using new technologies!Last step to get boobs like Marisa Miller: New technologies! No surgery!

    Describes a “fat moving” procedure. Basically moves fat from other parts of your body to your boobs. I think this is the best method I’ve heard in a long time. It’s natural, uses only what you have in your body anyway, and doesn’t involve surgery!

    Describes a product that I think you should know about if you don’t — although I would do more research on this before using it. However, it does work, apparently; it’s just a question of how long.

Tips & Warnings

  • Bottom line: Do what you have to do to be confident in your body. But you should also gain confidence from the fact that you love yourself enough to make improvements. Best of luck!


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