How to Gain Weight the Healthy Way

“You’re so skinny. I hate you.”

I heard that phrase from the time I was 13 until I finally figured out how to gain weight. I wasn’t just skinny. I was downright skeletal. I ate 3 meals a day, plus snacks, but I never gained an ounce. I tried, but I had no idea how to gain weight.

There is an abundance of articles teaching you how to lose weight, but a severe shortage of articles teaching those with high metabolisms how to gain weight while still eating a healthy diet.

How to Gain Weight With Your Diet

Don’t do what I did and start stuffing yourself with cookie dough and candy bars in a desperate attempt to be socially acceptable. That junk is still bad for you whether it makes you gain weight or not. There are healthier ways to gain weight.

Eat at least 3 meals a day, every day. Make sure you get a good balance of foods from each food group. High calorie, low fat foods are the best. Foods that are high in protein will help you build muscle.

How to Gain Weight – Sample Meals


2 Whole-grain bagels with peanut butter (grain and protein)
Large banana
Large glass of milk


Pita stuffed with tuna fish salad (protein)
2 Medium carrots
Small package of dried fruit
2 Cups of milk


Chili with beans (protein)
Salad mixed with kidney beans and green peas
2 Slices of whole-grain bread
Large glass of fruit juice

How to Gain Weight With Other Diet Tips

Add Carnation Instant Breakfast mix to your glass of milk in the morning. This will give you extra calories as well as nutrients.

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Put peanut butter on practically anything for added protein. Protein is one of the fundamental building blocks when you want to gain weight.

How to Gain Weight With Exercise

Take it easy on the aerobics. Aerobic exercise is great for burning calories, but you are trying to learn how to gain weight. The goal is to consume more calories than you burn. Avoid doing too many exercises that are high calorie burners.

Exercise does more than just help people lose weight. It is important for keeping your body healthy even when you are trying to gain weight. So, don’t completely give up on it.

Focus on strength training exercises that will build muscle mass. You can lift weights to increase your muscles. Even simple push-ups will help you to strengthen your muscles and gain weight.

Your Attitude While Learning How to Gain Weight

Some people want to know how to gain weight so they can lead a healthier life. Other people want to learn how to gain weight because they feel unattractive. That was how I felt as I tried to gain weight. I was too concerned with the snippy remarks other people made about my body and it made me feel horrible.

I finally decided that all I really wanted to do was lead a healthier lifestyle and stop worrying about what I saw in the mirror. I figured out how to gain weight the healthy way and I’ve never looked better!

Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional. If you are having trouble trying to gain weight, check with your doctor first to rule out a medical condition. Your doctor can give you further advice on how to gain weight.

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UCLA, SNAC, Eating Strategies to Gain Weight,
