How to Find an International Work at Home Job

Bonjour…Ciao Bella… Unmittelbare Treffer… Hola…. Hello!

Many people dream of one day going to exotic locales or foreign places to visit or learn of cultures outside of their own; also there are the recent university graduates desiring to put those language degrees or international business skills to good use. So, the plan of action for numerous worker bees is to work hard, save those pennies and dimes, and hope against hope that each deposit will bring them closer to their goal of traveling to other countries. But through the Internet, and the advent of off shoring, these hopefuls can do both, save for traveling to see these exciting lands and at the same time work within the country of their choice from the comfort of their own home.

International work at home jobs… A new frontier!

The Work at Home phenomenon has erupted into an ever expanding industry being fueled by legitimate companies offering opportunities to workers who have come out of the day to day rat race. Many traditional employers are jumping on the bandwagon offering telecommuting positions as well. Although there are numerous bona a fide work at home positions, there are still those unscrupulous individuals who are trying to deceive the public with scams, although, for the most part, the work at home industry is fast gaining legitimacy. But now there is a new twist being added to this exciting but controversial field, the international work at home job opportunities. Many other nations have also begun instituting telecommuting platforms by entering into the Internet markets. Thus, providing needed employment for their citizens, and also networking to truly making this a global society.

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Benefits of an international work at home job

The international telecommuting job has the same benefits as the U.S. based job for the Independent Contractor. These jobs offer flexibility, more ownership of time management, variety of job assignments, less stress due to zero office politics, and the end of lengthy commute time. PLUS, the added bonus of an international home office job is the chance to learn of another culture, the local area or geography, products used etc., through contact with employers and customers. Also there is the possibility to utilize any foreign language skills, or to see how a business from another country operates, which would be invaluable for those who may be looking at the prospect of relocation, or who simply wishes to broaden his/her horizons.

How to locate an international work at home job?

The best way to locate one of these job opportunities would be to conduct an Internet search. Through Google, Yahoo or one of the available search engines. A general search such as Google: International work at home jobs, or a search with the specific country or continent such as: Google: Work at home jobs in Europe. Many of the international work at home jobs offered would be similar to U.S. based jobs, such as customer service, technology, writing etc, so searching job boards in the individuals area of expertise could prove beneficial. Also chat rooms or articles on the subject could provide useful gems of information. Last but not least, the hopeful contractor could speak with a traditional business here in the U.S. who may have affiliates or connections to international markets, or check out programs offered at universities which may provide clues to these hidden contracting opportunities

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A word of caution

Just as there are legitimate work at home positions in the U.S. there are those seeking to deceive a trusting public .The same is true with opportunities that come from a foreign country. So, therefore before venturing into ANY arrangement, follow a few guidelines:

Know the country or continent in which employment is being sought. Be familiar with the language, and have a general knowledge of the culture and political atmosphere.

Please remember, that legitimate companies offering work at home jobs would NOT require payment, or upfront cost. (Now, there are some services which list these jobs that require a membership fee, please use these services at your own discrepancy)If at all possible, check out the prospective company through an official governing agency for that country where the job was located, such as in the U.S. there is the Better Business Bureau; and last but not least research … research…research!

Listing of Links which list international telecommuting jobs

Below are a couple of links which are being offered to start the hopeful Home Agent on their path to finding their dream work at home job. The jobs on these links have NOT been tested, so please use extreme CAUTION!

Lastly, dream, be adventuresome and be bold! That dream life can be obtained if the desire is strong enough!

Worldwide Work at Home/Europe


Goodbye and Good luck!
