10 Best Quotes from the Movie ‘Twilight’

The 10 best “Twilight” movie quotes all come from lead characters Bella and Edward. “Twilight” tells the love story between human, Bella, and vampire, Edward, which has many twists and turns. The 10 best “Twilight” movie quotes give some insight on playful, yet troublesome relationship between Bella and Edward.

  1. “Yeah. I had an adrenaline rush. It’s very common. You can Google it.” – Edward. A van skids out of control in the direction of Bella, and Edward stops it with his hand. Bella asks Edward how he stopped the van, and his response is one of the 10 best “Twilight” movie quotes. At this point, she does not know that Edward is a vampire, so he gives a sarcastic response to her question. It is a funny line from the usually up-tight Edward.
  2. “You know, your mood swings are kinda giving me whiplash.” – Bella. During the beginning of “Twilight” Edward gives mixed signals to Bella. She finally tells Edward how she feels about his indecisiveness. This quote shows how strong willed Bella is, and that she always speaks her mind.
  3. “Okay, let’s say for argument’s sake that I’m not smart.” – Bella. Edward tells Bella, if she’s smart, she’ll stay away from him. This quote is her response, and it is quick witted and funny. Edward tries to push Bella away, but she doesn’t let that stop her from trying to be with him.
  4. “I know what you are. You’re impossibly fast. And strong. Your skin is pale white, and ice cold. Your eyes change color, and sometimes you speak like, like you’re from a different time. You never eat or drink anything. You don’t go out in the sunlight.” – Bella. Soon after Bella arrives to live with her dad, she figures out Edward’s a vampire. Instead of saying vampire, Bella lists off his characteristics which all add up the fact that he is a vampire. This quote from “Twilight” has Bella telling Edward she knows he is a vampire, without her actually saying it straight to him. It also gives Edward the chance to say out loud he is a vampire.
  5. “I have considered radioactive spiders and kryptonite.” – Bella. Still wondering how Edward stops the van, she asks for the truth. He is coy and tells her to explain what she thinks happened. Her response is hilarious, especially since Edward used superhero strength to stop the van.
  6. “What did you expect? Coffins and dungeons and moats?” – Edward. Edward brings Bella to his house for the first time, and she’s shocked at the elegance. Edward response to Bella’s shock is one of the 10 best “Twilight” movie quotes. Bella expected all of those things, except the moats.
  7. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for you.” – Edward. One of the 10 best “Twilight” movie quotes is this sweet, and simple line from Edward. The quote is a perfect example of how Edward is a man of few words. The line melted Bella’s heart, and everyone on team Edward.
  8. “I’m the world’s most dangerous predator. Everything about me invites you in. My voice, my face, even my smell. As if I would need any of that. As if you could outrun me. As if you could fight me off. I’m designed to kill.” – Edward. During “Twilight” Edward’s conflicted about bringing Bella into his world which often leads him to says things that push her away. Even after Edward said this quote, she still wanted to be with him, and eventually he finally caved.
  9. “Yeah, maybe, that’s why they kicked me out.” – Bella. Jessica questions if all people from Arizona are tan. Bella’s sarcastic response is one of the 10 best “Twilight” movie quotes. It is a humorous line because Jessica literally thinks everyone from Arizona should be tan.
  10. “I’d never given much thought to how I would die. But dying in place of someone I love, seems like a good way to go. I can’t bring myself to regret the decisions that brought me face to face with death. They also brought me to Edward.” – Bella. One of the 10 best “Twilight” movie quotes is the first line in the movie. Before the film even starts, there is a voice-over of Bella saying the long quote. It makes perfect sense at the end of the movie when Bella’s life is in danger.