How to Find an Accredited College or University

If you have done any research on online schools, the main thing that you have probably learned is that you should only attend an accredited college or university. Although this is also true about traditional colleges and universities, the main reason that it is stressed so much about online schools is because there are so many scams in which online colleges lead you to believe that they are accredited, even though they are not. Here, we will take a much closer look at some of the things that you should be sure to consider when looking for an accredited college or university to earn your degree from.

Why is Attending an Accredited College or University Important?

Attending an accredited college or university is important for a few reasons. The main reason is because you will be able to transfer your college credits to another college or university. You will not be able to do so when you attend a non-accredited college or university. Even more importantly, however, you will also be able to get the job that you are interested in when you attend an accredited college or university. Certain jobs may require you to take some sort of examination or become certified, but only after you have earned a degree or completed so many hours through an accredited college or university. A lot of employers also do research on the school that their potential employees have attended. If you have not gone to an accredited school, you can kiss some jobs bye-bye. Many people are under the impression that accredited schools are less expensive, but in reality, they can be more expensive for some students. The main reason is because you are not qualified for financial aid opportunities when you attend a non-accredited school.

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What Should You Know About Accredited Schools?

There are various levels of accreditation. It is important to know what the levels are before choosing the college or university that you would like to attend. One of the biggest factors that will determine how accredited a particular college or university is will be if it is an institutional accreditation or a specialized accreditation. Institutional accreditation means that the entire college or university and its programs have been accredited. Specialized accreditation means that a certain program or department is accredited. National accreditation means that the school has been accredited by the Department of Education. Regional accreditation is the most common, as well as the most preferable, type of accreditation. The requirements of earning regional accreditation is stricter. It is easier for a student to transfer most courses from a college or university that has earned regional accreditation. Students who wish to enter the workforce immediately typically choose a school that has earned national accreditation and is less likely to transfer due to the fact that it is more difficult to do so.

How Can You Find an Accredited College or University?

The main thing that you may be wondering is where you can learn whether or not a college or university is accredited. One of the most reliable sources is the Council of Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Their website can be found at Through this website, you will be given the opportunity to learn about a certain college or university’s accreditor. You will also be provided with a link to the accreditor’s website. The schools that can be found through CHEA are all legitimate. If a school is non-accredited, it is likely that you will not be able to find it here.

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As you can see, there is a lot to know about accreditation of schools. The most important thing is for you to be aware of whether or not a college or university that you are applying to, whether it be traditional or online, is accredited. Deciding to attend an accredited school is highly recommended. Choosing to attend a non-accredited school can cost you in the future. Unfortunately, many people do not research the college or university that they plan to attend enough and for that reason, they unintentionally attend a non-accredited school.