How to Find a Gym That’s Cheap

Are you looking for a place to work out that won’t put a dent in your paycheck? Gyms and health clubs are expensive, and when you combine the membership price with the cost of driving there, the expense really adds up. Working out at home is a possibility, but if you enjoy having access to a wide range of weight-lifting equipment and exercise machines, a public facility is the best option. If you’re willing to give up some of the perks like a cardio-theater and an indoor, heated pool, you can get a workout on a budget. Here’s how to find a gym that won’t cost you an arm and a leg.

How to Find a Gym That’s Cheap: Join the YMCA

Start by calling your local YMCA. The YMCA has all the basic workout equipment and is priced much cheaper than the majority of health clubs that have a higher overhead. Many YMCA gyms even offer an “away” program where you can exercise at other Y facilities when you’re traveling, so you’re never without a place to exercise even when you’re on the road. Some YMCA workout areas have many of the same amenities as a higher end health club – without the high price.

Call Local Hotels in Your Area

Many hotels have exercise rooms on site, and you may be able to pay a small fee to use their facilities during non-peak hours. Call the front desk and ask to speak with the person in charge of the exercise facilities, or pay a visit in person to check out what they have. Hotels are always looking for additional sources of revenue, and they may be willing to let you use their exercise room during off hours for a minimal fee.

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Check Out Local Colleges and Universities

If you live near a local university or college, they usually have exercise facilities for their students. Visit the athletic department, and see if you can pay a small fee to use their gym during times when it isn’t crowded. It may not be as upscale as a swanky health club, but it’ll get the job done.

Talk to Your Employer

If you work for a company that’s at least moderate in size, talk to them about arranging an employee discount for you and other employees at a local health club. Some businesses are even willing to foot the bill to keep their workers fit and healthy. Plus, it offers them tax benefits. Everyone wins!

The Bottom Line?

Now that you know how to find a gym that’s cheap, there’s no excuse not to get a good workout. Take advantage of these low-cost resources and build a buffer body – without draining your bank account.