How to Fall Asleep Naturally

Most people have had the occasion where they had a hard time falling asleep at night. And while most times they can live with it if it doesn’t occur too often, it can be extremely stressful if it happens on a regular basis.

While sleeping pills can often help, there are many people who choose to avoid taking them because they do not want to become dependent on them.

Here are a few ways to lull yourself to sleep in a safe and natural way.

Read Something Soothing.

Read a book of poems, a love story, or a positive thinking book. Read any subject that will have you thinking good thoughts before going to sleep. Make sure it is not too exciting or suspenseful. The point is to get your eyes tired and your mind calm.

If a Problem is Bothering you – Write it Down.

If you have any thought or problem on your mind that is keeping you from sleeping, the best thing you could do is write it down and promise yourself that you will take care of it the next day. Soothe yourself into knowing that there is nothing you can do about it now anyway.

Avoid Alcohol.

Alcohol can make you drowsy at first, but it can interrupt your sleep cycle in the middle of the night. Try to avoid it right before bedtime.

Avoid Drinking Any Liquids Before Bedtime.

Try to avoid drinking any type of liquid for at least 2 hours before bedtime. This will prevent you from having to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night or fighting to stay asleep with a full bladder.

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Go to the Bathroom Before Going to Bed.

This too will lessen the chances that you will have to get up in the middle of the night.

Watch Your Caffeine.

Caffeine can stay in your body for a longer time than you might think. If you have been having trouble sleeping lately, think over the last time you might have had caffeine today. Was it soda with dinner, a cup of coffee (even as early as 4:00 in the afternoon) a sports drink, a cup of caffeinated tea? Quite often if you simply change what you drink in the afternoons and evenings you might find that you sleep better.

Regulate your Bedroom Temperature.

Keep the temperature in your bedroom at about 70 degrees. Too often, if your room is too warm, it will interrupt your sleep,

Cover up Cold Feet.

You may not even realize how your cold feet can be waking you a couple of times a night in discomfort. Put on a pair of socks before going to bed.

Meditate or Think About Something Positive.

A calm, quiet meditation may be all you need to slow down your racing mind before going to sleep.

Exercise Early.

It has been found that people who get at least 30 minutes of exercise per day will sleep better at night. It is important however not to do it right before bedtime because it will have the opposite effect of getting your blood pumping and may actually keep you awake.

Avoid Watching Television.

Do your best not to watch television, particularly the news or anything scary or violent. This too could get your heart and/or mind racing and could keep you awake.

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Try to Keep on Schedule.

Do your best to go to bed at around the same time every night is possible. If you have been feeling tired lately, or it seems to take awhile before you fall asleep, try going to bed about an hour earlier. This might be all you need to feel better.

Lose Weight.

Quite often extra weight can cause sleep apnea, a condition that can cause you to stop breathing in the middle of the night, quite often without you even realizing it. This will disrupt your needed sleep as well.