How to Deal with Panic Attacks at Work

Are you having panic attacks at work? Are you unsure on how to cope with having panic attacks at work? To help understand what type of impact panic attacks can have on someone’s overall work experience and what you can do to deal with panic attacks at work, I have interviewed therapist Nicole Story, Ed.S., M.Ed., LMFT, LMHC.

Tell me a little bit about yourself.
“I am a licensed psychotherapist with a private practice in Jacksonville Beach, Fl. I am also a clinical licensure supervisor with several local non-profit and military agencies. I am the President Emeritus of the Northeast Florida Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and also served on the board of directors of the Florida Association for Marriage and Family Therapy.

What type of impact can panic attacks have on someone’s overall work experience?
Panic attacks at work can potentially be debilitating and impact someone’s overall work experience from the insurmountable dread and anxiety of going to work, to physically avoiding certain tasks at work (like public speaking, meetings, etc) which could ultimately decrease expected job performance and severely impact performance reviews, promotions, job security, etc.

The fear of the pending, overwhelming anxiety is usually the instigator of a panic attack. In recognizing some of the initial symptoms (increased heart rate, rapid breathing/shortness of breath, sweaty palms, shaking, disorientation, dizziness, nausea, feelings of going crazy, numbness/tingling sensations, chills/hot flashes, fear of dying, etc.), one can take proactive steps before a full fledged panic attack occurs.

How can someone deal with having panic attacks at work?
“Self-talk, can be very helpful in the early stage. For example you can tell yourself, ‘I am safe, I feel calm, everything is O.K.,’ when combined with slow regulated breathing (to balance oxygen levels) can head off the actual panic attack. A slow inhale followed by holding the breath and concluding with an exhale twice as long as the inhale will help balance the CO2 level and is critical to achieving stress reduction. Visualization of a calm, restful place (“a happy place”) in conjunction with the slow focused breathing can also be productive in decreasing the physiological affects of anxiety.

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It is also useful to remember, that a panic attack cannot hurt you (you will not die, you will not have a heart attack, it will pass within a few moments), which can take the power away that is strengthened primarily by the fear of the panic attack itself.

Overall, persons who suffer from anxiety should monitor and decrease their caffeine and sugar intakes (a cup of tea is better than a cup of coffee, a bagel or cereal is better than a donut); deep breathing should be practiced several times a day; and negative thinking (I am no good at this, they are going to laugh at me, I am going to panic) should be recognized and replaced with positive self-talk (I am a competent employee, I can do this, I feel calm and in control). Regular aerobic exercise can “burn up” free roaming anxiety and boost confidence, endorphins, and overall feelings of strength and control. Recent studies also show great benefits of yoga in decreasing symptoms of anxiety, increasing control over the symptoms and “re-wiring” the thought patterns of the brain. Regular sleep (approx 8 hours per night) and a healthy diet are highly recommended. Laughter can also be therapeutic. So instead of watching murder shows on television, or obsessing with the latest terrible news coverage (which fuels fear and anxiety), pick a comedy or a light novel.”

What type of professional help is available for someone who is having a difficult time dealing with panic attacks at work?
It would be imperative to talk to a skilled therapist to address the actual thoughts and feelings that are manifesting into physiological symptoms of anxiety (panic-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy). When processed in conjunction with the above mentioned cognitive/behavioral interventions, I usually see clients who were having daily panic attacks, completely diminish their panic symptoms within 4-5 sessions of individual therapy. Underlying issues could be an array of many things, some examples may include; relationship issues, financial stress, feelings of inadequacy, depression, parental stress, lack of direction, lack of control, chronic illness, past traumas, etc, etc. Research shows that psychotherapy alone or the combination of medication and psychotherapy treatment are more effective than medications alone in overcoming panic attacks.”

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What last advice would you like to leave for someone who is dealing with panic attacks at work?
“The fear of the panic attack is the power of the panic attack. Gaining control of the physical symptoms in addition to addressing the thoughts and feelings underlying the anxiety will completely negate the momentum and frequency of the attacks.”

Thank you Nicole for doing the interview on how to deal with panic attacks at work. For more information on Nicole Story or her work you can check out her website on

Recommended Readings:
Do You have Panic Attacks? Try Stress Management
Panic Attack with Agoraphobia
Panic Attack Signs & Treatment
