Pink Eye Won’t Go Away? Here May Be Why

Pink eye can be a pretty annoying problem. Whether your case of pink eye won’t go away or you keep getting it over and over again, there may be a number of different explanations. Although you may not even realize it, there are a number of different objects that you may be touching or using which could be having an affect on your pink eye. Here, we’ll take a closer look at some of these objects.

Eye Makeup Utensils

You have probably already heard that you should get rid of your eye makeup once you’ve had pink eye. Well, the same concept also holds true for eye makeup utensils. While you may not even realize it, if you used it while you had pink eye, your eye makeup utensils can be causing your pink eye to come back repeatedly. Some of the things that you’ll want to throw away or clean in alcohol if they are metal include eye shadow brushes, eyelash curlers and even tweezers that may be affected by your pink eye infection.


If you have a pair of sunglasses that you wore while you had pink eye, then there is a chance that they might have been affected by the pink eye infection. This is especially true if you have touched your eyes a lot while you had your sunglasses on before you realized that you had pink eye. Although you may be able to use disinfecting wipes if you want to use your sunglasses again, there’s a good possibility that you may want to consider throwing your pair of sunglasses away altogether.

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If you use swimming goggles or if you work in a location that requires you to wear goggles, then you may want to think about replacing them. Although it is probably possible for your goggles to be cleaned to the point where they will no longer be able to spread the pink eye infection, you might not want to take that chance. Buying new swimming goggles or workplace goggles is really the best thing to do once you have worn them after you’ve had recurring pink eye – or after you’ve had pink at all, for that matter.

Computer Mouse

If you are constantly on the computer, then you may want to consider cleaning or even replacing your computer mouse if you’ve used it during the time that you had pink eye. The same things holds true for anything that you may touch while you have pink eye, including but not limited to door handles and the knobs on the sink. While you obviously cannot replace some of these things, it’s important to realize that they may be the cause of your recurring pink eye and you will want to be sure to clean them.

There are a number of reasons that your pink eye may be recurring, but these are all just to name a few. The most important thing to keep in mind is that anything you touch while you have pink eye can ultimately cause you to become infected with pink eye again – or, in some cases, spread it to other people who may touch or use the objects after you have.