How to Deal with Jock Itch

Jock itch is a fungal infection of the groin area. It is caused by dermatophytes, which are microscopic organisms that live on your skin. Jock itch can affect your buttocks, inner thighs and genitals causing a red itchy rash that is usually in the form of a circle. It is often caused by the same fungus that causes athlete’s foot or ringworm. Athlete’s foot can even be the cause of jock itch as it can be spread from your foot to your groin area if you cross contaminate it.

Jock itch mostly affects people who sweat often and a lot, such as athletes and overweight individuals. The sweat on the groin areas make it possible for the fungus to grow and breed on those parts of the body. Some of the risk factors for jock itch are heat, humidity, tight clothing, damp skin folds from being overweight. A weakened immune system is also a cause of jock itch. They normal barriers that keep your skin healthy from the fungus can not perform as they should, making you susceptible to jock itch. Jock can also affect people who are taking antibiotics and people who have diabetes.

Jock itch is not that serious of a problem. Over the counter anti-fungal creams can be bought to get rid of the rash. They almost always work to get rid of the rash. Also, avoid wearing tight clothing as that can make the fungus spread more and become more inflamed. You want to keep the groin area as clean and dry as possible. Towel off as much as needed when you find that you are sweating in that area. Change your clothes and underwear as much as possible if you find that the sweat has made them damp. You do not want to have any moistness down there to have the fungus feed on anymore.

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Usually jock itch does not require a trip to the doctor, but there may be times that it does. If a rash does not go away within two weeks and you have used anti-fungal creams and kept the area clean, you should go see your doctor, as you may need a stronger medicine to get rid of it.

If you know the causes of jock itch, it is simple to prevent the rash from happening. Many of them are the same as what you should do once you have jock itch. Some prevention tips are to bath daily, especially after you have exercised. Change your underwear at least once a day if you sweat a lot and use powder in your groin area to keep moisture away. Make sure that your clothes fit correctly, You don’t want your clothes to be too tight, as they can rub against your skin making you more susceptible to jock itch. Lastly, don’t share personal items, towels or clothing with other people.