How to Cure a Bladder Infection Naturally

If you suffer bladder infections regularly, you already know the medications you’re taking are not working. Antibiotics damage your body’s natural bacterial balance, which is the main reason your urinary tract infection is recurring.

One of the first symptoms of bladder infection is a frequent strong urge to urinate, along with pain or a burning sensation during urination.

There are several possible causes for bladder infection such as holding it too long. Urination flushes the waste from our bodies. Lack of proper hygiene or having to wear accidentally-soiled underwear is another popular cause.

Taking a course of antibiotics every day lowers your body’s beneficial bacteria. Finishing your course of antibiotics, the bacteria causing the infection will repopulate parts of your body quicker than your beneficial bacteria.

Beneficial bacteria are not as aggressive as the infection-causing bacteria. When your course of antibiotics is over, these bacteria begin to mutate because you no longer have the beneficial bacteria to keep them under control.

Antibiotics have become a prominent cause of bacterial infections. As you take more and more antibiotics, the beneficial bacteria become more resistant. Courses of antibiotics make it more difficult to cure future infections and causes other infections that you never suffered from before.

There are natural alternatives, such as cranberries, blueberries, and the sugar D-mannose, that fight urinary tract infections. Cranberries acidify urine and contain substances which help prevent bacteria from adhering to the bladder lining.

The effectiveness of cranberries in fighting bladder infection is supported by medical experts. Try to avoid extra sugar by drinking unsweetened cranberry juice or taking cranberry extract capsules. Blueberries, scientists have shown, also contain similar urinary tract infection fighting substances.

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When urination is difficult or painful, drinking lots of water will not only flush out the urinary tract, it will dilute the urine, helping to stop the painful burning associated with bladder infection. Health food stores carry a product called D-Mannose which has also been proven to be very effective.

Also, there are several adapted home remedies that many people swear by. Apple cider vinegar is a popular home remedy. Apple cider vinegar is a little hard to swallow but a few ounces twice a day for three days seems to help with bladder infection.

Alka-seltzer is another popular home remedy. Two tablets dissolved in a glass of water helps flush out the urinary tract.

Beer is another popular home remedy that flushes the urinary tract very effectively. Some who swear by this say they don’t drink, but when a urinary tract infection develops, they upend the bottle.

In conclusion, please use common sense when considering alternative remedies, especially if you’re on medication, and take the time to ask your doctor. It doesn’t matter whether they believe it works. What matters is the possible harmful effects it could have on you.

When it comes to bladder infections, use natural alternatives for enhancing urinary tract health and save the antibiotics for serious medical situations.

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