How to Create Your Own Wallpaper on the LG AX275 Cell Phone

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to create your own wallpaper on the LG AX275 cell phone. I will also give you ideas for wallpapers. I’m sure you can create your own wallpapers on other phones but since I have a LG AX275, this tutorial will be on this particular phone. There are a couple of ways to create your own wallpaper. I will show you each way. The first way is creating it on your computer and emailing it to your phone.

Send Your Wallpaper By Email

Create the wallpaper that you want to use or find a free graphic or picture that you want to use. You will probably need to shrink it down to the size of your cell phone screen. You can do this by using an image editor.

Then you will need to open your email and email it to your phone. If you do not know your email address for your phone do the following. Create a text message, in the send to field, type in your email address. Then send the text message. Now check your email account. You will see your email in the account along with the email address. This is the address you will use to send your wallpaper to your phone.

View your message and you will see the wallpaper in the message. Save the picture that came with your message. Then go to your image gallery and open the images. Locate the picture that you just saved and set it as your wallpaper.

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Creating Wallpaper With Your Camera

Next, I will show you how to create wallpaper using the camera on your phone. Find something that you want to take a picture of to use as your wallpaper. Then turn your camera on and take a picture. Then click the Save option. Then select the Gallery option. Find the photo in the gallery that you just took and press the view option. Now press the Option button and select Save As > Main LCD. That will set the photo as your wallpaper.

You may need to take the picture a couple of times to get it the way that you want it. There are many different things that you can take pictures of to use as your wallpaper. Here are a few ideas.

The Bible – This is my wallpaper. I took a picture of my Bible and used it as my wallpaper. It made a wonderful wallpaper too.

Bible Verses – Open your Bible to your favorite verse and take a photo of it. Then set it as your wallpaper. These too make great wallpapers.

Flowers & Nature – Taking photos of flowers, trees, or the sky also makes a great cell phone wallpaper.

Loved Ones – Take photos of loved ones and use that as your cell phone wallpaper.

There are so many things that you can use for your wallpaper. I always use something that means a lot to me, like my Bible. Every time I call someone I see my Bible.

If you need any help with creating your own cell phone wallpaper, please feel free to send me an email or leave me a comment.