How to Clean and Disinfect Kid’s Toys

Teddy bear looking dull and dingy? Plastic toys feeling sticky? Electronic toys and gadgets feeling grimy? Kids toys get a lot of use, get dirty fast and harbor illness causing germs and bacteria. Almost any kid’s toy can be cleaned and disinfected with these tips.

How To Clean Stuffed Animals and Toys

The soft surfaces and loose fiber stuffing in stuffed animals and plush toys are vehicles for transporting germs and bacteria. Dust, dust mites, head lice, allergens and even bed bugs like to hide out on and in the soft fabrics too. Clean and disinfect these plush fabric kid’s toys in the washing machine.

Read the manufacturer’s label on stuffed animals and other types of plush toys, most are machine washable, making cleaning and disinfecting them a snap. If the stuffed toys are machine washable, place them inside a pillow case and tie a knot in the opened end of the pillow case. Toss in the washing machine and wash in warm water on gentle wash cycle. Rinse the stuffed animals twice to ensure all laundry detergent residue is removed, then air dry or place in dryer on medium heat.

If stuffed or plush toys are not machine washable, place them in the freezer for two days to kill germs, bacteria or critters that are lurking in the soft fabric. Remove from freezer, then wipe surface with an antibacterial wipe or cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol.

How To Clean Plastic Kid’s Toys

Kid’s toys made of plastic feel sticky after playtime and with good reason. Kid’s eat, drink, sneeze, cough and wipe their noses then grab plastic toys without washing the body fluids, food or beverages off their hands first. That’s just kids being kids. Germs and bacteria land on the plastic toy surfaces and get passed around to others. A simple and easy way to clean and disinfect kid’s plastic toys is to place them in the dishwasher.

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Any plastic toy that does not contain battery powered components can be safely washed in the top rack of the dishwasher. If the plastic toy does have battery powered components and can not be submerged in water, spray antibacterial spray cleaner on a cloth and wipe the plastic toy down, followed by a thorough rinse with a clean cloth that is dampened with warm water.

How To Clean Electronic Toys and Gadgets

Hand held electronic toys and gadgets get a lot of use from kids and get grimy fast. The constant use also makes the surfaces of electronic toys and gadgets home for a multitude of illness causing germs and bacteria.

Clean and disinfect electronic toys and gadgets with specially designed wipes or a soft cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol. Wipe down keyboard, touch screen, ear piece, etc. of the electronic to clean and disinfect. For hard to reach spaces on electronic toys or gadgets, dip a Q-Tip in rubbing alcohol, squeeze out excess alcohol from the Q-Tip cotton, then poke it into the cervices to clean and disinfect.