How to Choose Your First Airsoft Gun

Buying your first airsoft gun that is high quality is the beginning of a fun and enjoyable hobby. However, to new players, airsoft guns all seem similar, and they end up choosing the cheapest gun, which often isn’t as high quality as they hoped it would be. I know the first airsoft gun is a hard choice, but here are the steps that helped me choose my first airsoft gun.

First, establish your price limit. Your first airsoft gun will seem very costly, and it is important to decide how much you are able to spend on it. If you feel you will be serious about this sport, I urge you to scrounge up at least $250-$300 for a high quality first airsoft gun.

For those not as sure, Echo-1 airsoft rifles are a great first airsoft rifle for beginners. They cost just over $100, and can help a beginner decide if they would like to get into airsoft seriously. The are a decent first airsoft rifle, but if you have enough money and are serious about the sport, I suggest that you invest in a better first airsoft rifle. Many people purchase a cheap first airsoft gun, and continue to get other cheap guns because they aren’t satisfied with their first airsoft gun. All the money spent on cheap first airsoft guns could be put towards a high quality airsoft gun, that will be durable and reliable.

The next step of buying your first airsoft gun is to decide the role you would like to play. Do you want to be the player up close in the action with BB’s flying by you, or do you want to be a silent player in the background, supporting your team. Determining your playing style is crucial to figuring out the best rifle that will fit your needs. The first airsoft rifle needs to fulfill the accuracy and size requirements of your role.

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Ask yourself what position you would like to play. The four most basic roles are:

CQC (Close Quarters Combat)- The soldiers dealing with ranges of less than 40′. They clear buildings and rooms. They use short rifles so that they can go around corners and through doors easier. They use airsoft guns like: Mp5, P90, and G36C.

Rifleman- For your first airsoft rifle, this role is very well suited for the beginner. These are the common soldiers who form the bulk of a squad. They deal with a variety of ranges from 15′ to 150′. They use airsoft guns like: M4, Ak47, AUG, G36, and everything in between.

Support Gunner- These soldiers support the squad with large volumes of firepower. They use large and heavy airsoft rifles to pin down the enemy while the rest of the team moves forward. This can be an expensive role, and may not be a good choice for the first airsoft rifle. They use airsoft guns like: m249 SAW, RPK, and FAMAS.

Sniper/ Marksman- These soldiers can either provide support for the squad, or go lone wolf. While it is a very interesting role, it can cost a lot of money to purchase and upgrade your first airsoft sniper rifle. They use spring or gas airsoft rifles like: VSR-10, Bar-10, PSG1, and L96.

Be careful at this step. I have seen time and time again new players who immediately leap for the sniper position. Movies and video games hype up the sniper role too much. In airsoft, snipers can not easily pick off people at ranges farther than 300′. It is a very costly role, and does not suit a new player well at all. Please reconsider being a sniper, it limits your options on the field, and a sniper rifle is a bad choice for your first airsoft gun.

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After you have decided your role, choose your first airsoft rifle that fits that role. Consider the length, weight, accuracy, rate of fire, and upgrade ability of potential first airsoft rifles.

The best way to choose your first airsoft rifle is to go to a large airsoft retailer website, and browse through the pages of guns. Remember, a high quality first airsoft electric rifle will cost no less than $180. Shopping for the best deal will leave you unhappy and disappointed in the sport.

At this point, find the rifles that will suit your role, and use a combination of factors when deciding your final choice for a first airsoft rifle.

The easiest factor is deciding your first airsoft rifle’s visual appeal. Your first airsoft rifle should just plain look good to you. Choose a style that you like the look of, and could see yourself using on the field.

Next, research the performance and quality of your first airsoft gun. Make sure it meets your needs for the role.

Choose a first airsoft gun that has upgrade potential. This requires research to be sure you can upgrade it. Big name brands often have great upgrade potential, such as Tokyo Marui, Classic Army, ICS, G&G;, and KWA.

This all requires a lot of research. Search for reviews of the gun, and read as much as you can before buying your first airsoft gun. Narrow the choices down to 3 name brand rifles, and compare the stats of them. Scour the web for information on your choices, and be sure that the rifle is high quality and performs well. This is the most important step, do not skip over researching.

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Finally, prepare to place an order for your first airsoft gun. Make sure you will have a battery if the gun is electric, a magazine, high quality BB’s (not cheap Walmart BB’s), and a charger. Find a reliable online airsoft retailer. This also involves some researching to verify the retailer is trustworthy. Order away, and wait for your first airsoft gun to arrive soon.

Once it arrives, be sure to keep the airsoft gun in tip-top shape by cleaning it often. Use this guide to help you clean your airsoft gun.

Also, if you would like to find cheap airsoft guns and gear, you can use this guide to find the best deals.