How to Choose a Hospital to Give Birth In

What makes a great hospital for births? Choosing a hospital should not be too difficult a decision, or should it be? Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a hospital to have your baby in.

Is there an obstetrician on duty at all times? This is important in case you go into labor on a Sunday or in the middle of the night.

The hospital has a neonatal intensive care unit on premises, preferably a level 2. Level 3 is the best.

There is a lactation consultant on staff and available when you need her.

Midwives are allowed to deliver babies and doulas are welcome.

The C-section rate is at or below the national average of 23%.

There is a place for the father to be to sleep at night and he is allowed to stay.

The mother is allowed to keep the baby in her room if she chooses to do so.

The hospital does not limit when a woman can receive pain medication.

The hospital offers classes such as Lamaze, infant care and breastfeeding.

These are the important things to keep in mind. Some other things would be the visitor schedule, if anyone other than the father is allowed to attend the delivery, if cameras and/or video cameras are welcome in the delivery room, if the hospital is easily accessible to you, if the hospital has a good reputation and if you know people that have been to this hospital and had a good outcome and experience while there.

If you choose a birthing center, the same types of things should be kept in mind. You should find an accredited center through the National Association of Childbearing Centers. They should be up to date on all licensing and certification requirements. They should have an obstetrician on call in the case of an emergency and they should not be too far from a hospital if a C-section becomes necessary.

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Wherever you chose to give birth, make sure you make a birthing plan. Any hospital that does not want to follow your birthing plan, when possible, is not a hospital that will listen to your wants and desires. Most hospitals have no problem following a birthing plan. The only time that the plan would have to be altered would be in the case of something unexpected happening and the doctors need to step in. Many hospitals and doctors encourage a birthing plan that is created in advance. Once the pain of labor and childbirth take over, you may not be able to think clearly on what it was that you wanted.

A good hospital has a good reputation that is heard all around the area. One of the best ways to chose a new doctor or hospital is by word of mouth. Meeting with other people that have used a particular hospital’s services is a great place to start. Doing a little research on the web is also another good choice. When sitting in the waiting room of the doctor’s office, asking other patients waiting is a great way to hear honest, non biased opinions.

When you are pregnant and searching for doctor’s and hospitals, you should also consider checking out pediatricians. Most of them are willing to meet with you ahead of time to see if you like them. This gives you the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have on their office procedures and what to expect after the baby is born. This is a good time to make sure that they have hospital privileges at the hospital that you have chosen to give birth in.

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One of the best ways to see if you like a hospital is to take the hospital tour that is given a few times a month or so. During the hospital tour, they will show you the nursery, the labor and delivery rooms and other important areas. This is a good time to ask any questions you may have on hospital policies or how things are going to happen when you arrive in labor. Make sure you find out visiting hours and parking information as well. These are important things that you will not have the time or desire to ask when you are in labor. You will have more important things to worry about.

Being pregnant and going through labor and delivery are beautiful and wonderful times in a woman’s life. It can prove to be the most profound and memorable moments as well. Worrying about where you will give birth shouldn’t be a concern. Taking certain things into consideration ahead of time will help you out a great deal. The most important piece of advise is to enjoy each minute of pregnancy and delivery. It is only a short part of your life. Follow your instincts and ask for help, even when choosing your doctors or hospital.