How to Care for Cameo Jewelry

Cameo jewelry isn’t difficult to care for, but because cameos are more fragile than most jewelry, they do require a little more attention. Storing and cleaning your cameos properly will prevent them from becoming scratched, chipped, or discolored. Here are some tips on how to keep these miniature works of art looking beautiful.

Know you cameos
To know how to care for a cameo, you’ll need to know what it’s made out of. Shell cameos require the most gentle care, while mother-of-peals and agate cameos are a little bit tougher.

The most popular material for cameo jewelry is carnelian shell. This shell is used for the classic peach and white cameos. You’ll find most antique Victorian and Edwardian cameos made from this shell, although there are carnelian shell cameos dating as far back as the 15th century. Sardonyx shell is also frequently used for cameos, giving the image a dark brown background and white foreground. These cameos resemble agate or marble. Mother-of-pearl is also used for cameo jewelry. These cameos shine with opalescent blues and purples. For modern cameos, agate is the material of choice. Agate cameos may be blue or green or those made from banded or layered agate may be with white on black, white on brown, or white on blue.

How to clean cameo jewelry
Accumulated dust can scratch cameo jewelry, keep your cameos clean by dusting them every few months with a dry cloth or soft brush. Make sure you remove dust from the cracks and crevices in the carved image. In addition to dusting, thoroughly clean you cameos once or twice a year. Always dust the cameo before you clean it. Agate cameos can be cleaned with a solution of water and mild soap such as liquid Ivory or Dove. Dip a soft-bristled toothbrush in the solution and very gently brush the cameo.

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Shell and mother-of-pearl cameos are more fragile, though, so never use soap on these. Instead, just rinse the cameo well with warm water and pat it dry with a soft cotton cloth. Don’t use paper towels because these can cause damaging chemical reactions. The cameo should be completely dry before you put it away. If your shell cameo has gotten really grimy, you can clean it with a jewelry cleaner than explicitly states it’s safe to use on peals. This rules out most jewelry cleaners, so look for cleaner formulated for pearls. Just dip the cameo in the cleaner, but don’t let it soak for more than 30 seconds. If this doesn’t get your cameo clean, take it to a jeweler for a professional cleaning.

Prevent cameo jewelry from drying out
Shell cameos can discolor if they dry out too much, so you’ll need to moisturize them a few times a year. This is especially important after cleaning because cleaning saps the moisture from cameo jewelry. To moisturize you cameo, dab a little mineral or baby oil on both the front and back of the jewelry. You can do this with a soft cloth, cotton ball or just use your fingertip. Let the cameo soak overnight then pat off the excess oil. Don’t wash all the oil off or you’ll undo the moisturizing effect.

How to store cameo jewelry
Like pearls and opals, cameos can be easily scratched or chipped by the hard stones and metal settings in other jewelry, so they’re best stored in a cloth jewelry pouch or wrapped in a soft cloth. Otherwise, at least keep your cameo jewelry in a separate part of your jewelry box. Keep in mind, too, that high temperatures and bright lights can dry out cameos, causing discoloration. Avoid storing cameos in hot locations like an attic or in brightly lit display cases.

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Wear cameos with care
When you wear your cameos, there are just a few precautions to take. Chemicals in personal care products can damage cameo jewelry, so put on your cameo only after you’ve applied your perfume or hairspray. Remember this too if you plan on using cleaning sprays during the day. Extreme temperatures aren’t good for cameos, so if you’re planning on being out in bright sunlight or heat, your cameo will be better of left at home.

The delicate beauty and fine craftsmanship of cameo jewelry makes them look harder to care for than they really are. All it really takes keep a cameo in good condition is regular gentle cleanings to remove dust, a little moisturizing, and protection from chemicals like perfume and room spays. Even if yours isn’t an expensive antique Victorian or Edwardian piece, following these guidelines for how to care for cameos will keep your cameo jewelry looking their best for as long as you own them.
