How to Care for a Sinus Headache

Sinus headaches are arguably one of the most frustrating types of pain because they can be so difficult to care for. When your headache is caused by sinusitis, you must reduce the inflammation in your sinuses to provide any relief from the headache. Some people experience sinus headaches on a daily basis while others enjoy less frequent visitations, but they always provide distraction and irritation. Fortunately, there are a few ways in which you can care for sinus headaches and hopefully ease or eliminate the pain.

Take OTC Pain Relievers
In most cases, sinus headaches don’t require anything stronger than over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Taking a more potent pain reliever can become addicting, especially if you suffer from sinus headaches on a regular basis. Try different pain relievers to see which ones help and make sure to take them at regular four- or six-hour intervals. You might want to time it so that you can take one when you first get up in the morning and another right before you go to bed.

Apply Warm Compresses
Although this only works for some people with sinus headaches, you can try applying a warm compress to your head near the area where the pain is most intense. Try lying down in a dark room with the compress and close your eyes for at least twenty or thirty minutes. When the compress begins to cool off, have someone run it under hot water again and continue the treatment. Doing this three or four times each day should help relieve the pain to some degree.

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Elevate Your Head
Since sinus headaches are caused by inflammation and pressure in your sinuses, keep your head elevated to help drain the sinuses of fluid. When you sleep at night, lie on your back with two or three pillows under your head and arrange them as comfortably as possible. Try not to sleep on your stomach or your side, and avoid lying flat on a couch or recliner.

Avoid Allergens
Some sinus headaches are the result of allergens in the air, which serve to irritate your sinuses. If you think that this might be the case, avoid any substance to which you are likely to suffer an allergic reaction. Stay inside as much as possible and avoid dusty or polluted areas. If necessary, consider getting yourself tested for various types of allergies so that you can pinpoint the problem more easily. Some people develop allergies during adulthood and aren’t aware of their source.

Use a Humidifier
Humidity will help to lesson the inflammation and build-up of fluids in the sinuses. Try running a hot shower or bath for a few minutes before stepping into the tub or purchase a humidifier to run during the night while you are asleep. You can also open the dishwasher after running a load and breathe in the steam or use the steam room at your local gym. Sinus headaches are often relieved by exposing yourself to humidity.

Drink Fluids, Sleep Often and Eat Healthy
As with any illness or disease, make sure that you are partaking in a healthy lifestyle when you suffer from sinus headaches. Sleeping will allow your body to rest and repair itself; drinking fluids will keep your body hydrated; and eating healthy can help keep your body’s defenses in motion.