How to Calculate Your Destiny Number

Since the beginning of time, people have been trying to figure out the meaning of life. Why are we here? What is our purpose in this world? Is there a mission that should be accomplished in a lifetime?

Many people live a lifetime never finding the answers to these questions. They search for spiritual meaning through religion, meditation, astrology, philosophy, and numerology, to name a few. The latest concept in determining life’s mission is the Destiny Number.

The Destiny Number is calculated by using all the letters in the full name you were given at birth. The number that is calculated describes your destiny; the purpose of your life and the missions you must complete in your life. The name you were given by your parents includes all the opportunities available to you during your lifetime. The letters in your name hold the key to your destiny.

Everyone wants to be aware of what their roll in life involves. Many people believe that their Destiny Number is the way to live a fulfilled life, full of purpose and hope. Once the number is found, the road toward the goals set by the number is not always an easy one. The Destiny Number is what people must do with their lives, not what they choose to do. There is a mission given by the Destiny Number to each person to complete.

In order to find your Destiny Number, there is a very simple mathematical formula to follow. Add up the numbers assigned to each letter of your full birth name. The chart below has the numerical value for each letter.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




As an example, let’s take Hillary Rodham Clinton’s birth name, Hillary Diane Rodham and determine her Destiny Number. Take the first name: Hillary and add up the numbers assigned to each letter.


8 + 9 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 7 = 40

The two numerals in the total number, 40 are then added together: 4 + 0 = 4


4 + 9 + 1+ 5 + 5 = 24

Add the two numerals together: 2 + 4 = 6


9 + 6 + 4 + 8 + 1 + 4 = 32

Add the two numerals: 3 + 2 = 5

The next step is to take the three calculated numbers and add them together.

Hillary + Diane + Rodham

4 + 6 + 5 = 15 (known as the master number)

The master number is then added: 1 + 5 = 6

Hillary’s Destiny Number is 15/6

Every number has certain qualities and goals assigned to it.

The number 6 signifies qualities of a person who is able to balance conflicting situations. A number six person comforts the needy and enjoys helping the elderly, children, and those in need. A number 6 is a loving parent who is involved in home life. In dealing with others, the number 6 is honest and open. Most people with this number dedicate themselves to enriching the community.

A person with the Destiny Number 6 should seek a career in welfare work, medicine, education, the arts, decoration, religion, or science. The goal of a number 6 is a happy home.

A number 6 has a kind, generous personality but often stubborn, dominant, and arrogant. They are demanding of themselves, sacrificing themselves for the welfare of others.

This is a basic summary of the qualities and goals of a Destiny Number 6 person but it gives an idea of how the numerology works. You can determine if Hillary is following the life’s goals of a Destiny or Expression Number 6.

Here is a short summary of the goals of each Destiny Number:

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1 Positives: A leader, executive, administrator, creative problem solving, innovation, self-confident.

Negatives: self-centered, egotistical, aggressive, dominant

2 Positives: work well with others, sensitive, reconcile differences between people, spiritual, and make wonderful teachers, philosophers, social workers, or psychologists. Oftentimes, have psychic abilities and money is not important.

Negatives: too sensitive, lack self-confidence, shy, impractical, can often live in a fantasy world

3 Positives: creative, happy, optimistic, finds the joy in life and spreads it to others, a goal is to bring happiness to others, friendship is important. Career choices for this number are in the entertainment industry, the arts, writing, and sales.

Negatives: gossip, trivial, superficial

4 Positives: talent for management and order, patience, high standards. Careers in architecture, engineering, technical teaching, flower arranging, surgery.

Negatives: domineering frustrated with others, somewhat eccentric, stubborn, and hard nosed.

5 Positives: welcomes change, many versatile talents, call to action, proactive, freedom is important, ease working with others. Careers include: all types of media, sales, entertaining, often switches careers.

Negatives: impatience, fidgety, trouble staying focused, repeat mistakes

6 Positives: comfort to others, responsible, loving, help others in need, works toward happy home life, creative, artistic. Career goals in social work, the arts, education, science.

Negatives: stubborn, dominant, haughty

7 Positives: analytical, searches truth, reclusive, likes to be alone, yearns for wisdom, often religious. Career goals are in teaching, philosophy, and science.

Negatives: problems coping emotionally, lacks trust in people, intolerant, critical of others, trouble adapting.

8 Positives: strives to meet goals, seeks financial security, ambitious, a planner, dependable. Careers in management, government, and business suit this destiny number.

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Negatives: too energetic, hard nosed, stubborn, unreasonable, impatient, can be too money hungry and power conscious

9 Positives: compassionate, sensitive, helpful to others, loving, affectionate, tolerant. Careers in medicine, law, religion, art, and politics are appropriate for this number.

Negatives: If not developing the compassionate side of this number, the opposite will take over: selfishness and egocentric. Strive to help others or the goals of this number will not be reached.

I hope this explains the concept of the Destiny Number. There are many resources and books available with more in depth information of each number. Click this link to get a detailed destiny number description of your name. Good luck with your Destiny Number.
