Application of Numerology in Your Daily Life

Many a time we find ourselves on the horns of a dilemma, unable to decide which is good for us. Many times, we wish to know what is going to happen. Many times we fervently wish to see that the expected result would fructify. Many a time, we would fondly like to know how our dearly loved missing person is, and whether he would return home safely and in sound health. We are eager to know whether the lost article could be traced and got back. Several such wishes wait for answers. Here science can render us little help. The elderly advice or the counsel from the wise fellows may help us to some extent.

In this context, Astro-numerology comes handy for you in rescuing you from your endless state of dilemma. It finds answers to your wishes. It can even tell you the remedial actions for your unfulfilled wishes. It can offer remedies for relief from your stressful situations. A little practice with Astro- numerology can make you perfect in this esoteric art. Who knows? Why not try the following Astro-numerology tips in your daily life? Maybe you would succeed.

There is a very interesting method bequeathed to us by the ancient Greeks. It is one of the techniques of numerology. It is called pyramid calculation of divining the result. The question you have in mind should be written on a paper in your own words (don’t worry about grammar). Simply write the question as it strikes you. The technique is illustrated below, with an example. Frame the question in such a way that the answer would be either yes or no.

Question: Will my son get admission in the college?

Technique: Count the number of words in this question and write it first. Then count the number of letters in each word and write them by the side of this number. Then add two numbers at a time and write the total obtained between the numbers in the line below. The sum of the numbers should always be reduced to a single digit by adding up the digits in the number. In the above question, there are 8 words. Write 8 first followed by the word numbers.

  1. 4 2 2 3 9 2 3

3 6 4 5 3 2 5 (explanation: 8+4= 12= 1+2=3. This no. is written

9 1 9 8 5 7 below between 8 and 4; and so on for other numbers)

1 1 8 4 3

2 9 3 7

2 3 1

5 4


The resulting number is 9. This is the key to the answer for our eagerly put question. In numerology odd numbers 1, 3, 5, 9 indicate success. Number 7, though odd, is not considered auspicious and hence it is doubtful in ensuring positive result. All even numbers with the exception of 6 indicate failure. Odd numbers mean “yes” to our question. Even numbers mean emphatic “No”. Number 6 indicates “success with effort”.

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So, the answer to our above question is an emphatic “yes”. Your son will succeed. But don’t copy this question and apply it to your son’s result. It should be spontaneous and sincere, backed by sound faith in the system. Write the question in your own words, or ask your close relative like your wife or your close friend to think of the question and write it. Then you can calculate.

Numbers 1 signifies the planet Sun. So, if you donate the items related to the planet Sun to poor people or a beggar, it will add more to the achievement of success denoted by the pyramid number. The items related to the planet Sun are: Wheat and the metal copper (like a copper vessel). You can also feed your friends with dishes cooked with wheat, like Chapattis. The remedy should be done on Sunday, the day of the planet Sun. You can also offer prayers to the Sun God. If you are a Hindu, you can read “Aditya Hridayam” or any prayer to Sun. People of other religions can also read the same, if they have no objection, as per their religion.

So, even if you get an even number in the above calculation, don’t get disheartened. There is some scope for success, if you do the remedy for the planet indicated by the number.

The following chart gives details of the remedies for each number:-


Number The Planet Items signified Remarks 1 (one) Sun Wheat, copper, Rubies Sweet dish with wheat grain or Chapattis made of wheat or simply wheat or copper items may be given to the poor or needy on Sunday. You can present a ruby ring or necklace to your beloved on Sunday. 2 (Two) Moon Rice, Pearls, silver Any rice preparation or silver items may be given on Monday. 3(Three) Jupiter Yellow pulses(unsplit variety) Turmeric, gold, yellow sapphire or topaz Offer in similar way as above explained. These items may be given on Thursday. 4 (Four) Rahu (Positive node) Gomedh, Hessonite Garnet, Honey, copper or silver. Offer any of these items as above mentioned. 5(Five) Mercury Green gram(whole variety) Emerald, Brass, Jades, Green onyx, green vegetables. Donate these items. Dishes may be cooked with green gram and offered on Wednesday. 6(Six) Venus Diamond, white tourmaline, Turquoise, Camphor or rice or milk Same as above. 7(Seven) Ketu Cat’s eye( one type of gem stone), Oats, silver Same as above. 8( Eight) Saturn Blue sapphire or Amethyst, Ginger or gingerly oil or Mustard oil, iron or steel, used clothes, Black garments. Same as above 9(Nine) Mars Red colored pulses, Red colored fruits, copper. Same as above. If you are in a doubt whether to invest the money in a particular venture or share, you can put the question, calculate as above and get the clue from the resulting number.

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If you have made an important investment and would like to know its outcome, you can apply the above described method. If the pyramid calculation yields an even number, you may do the corresponding remedy, which can be ascertained from the above table. Then the impact of the adversity of the result is likely to get mitigated or may be overcome, which depends on the strength of your faith.

Numerology also helps you find out your lucky colors, lucky numbers and lucky days and lucky talisman. This is best illustrated by showing an example, which method can be followed in every case.

For the sake of illustration, suppose a person is born on 27-01-1959. Add the digits in the date of birth. Here the date of birth is 27. Adding 2 and 7, we get 9. This number is one of the most significant numbers and it is called your individual number. Then add all the digits in the date of birth. 2+7+1+1+9+5+9=34. Add the two digits 3 and 4. We get the number 7. This is his destiny number. 9 is also a ruling number. Select the lucky numbers, colors, etc. from your destiny number.

From the above chart, 9 refers to Mars and 7 refers to Ketu. This person will be benefited by doing the remedies suggested in the above table. The lucky colors should be chosen from the following table. This person, whose lucky number is 7, can choose the other lucky numbers related to this number and the lucky colors.


Number Other lucky numbers Lucky colors Lucky days Lucky metal 1 1,3,5,7 Red, orange, yellow, white(Avoid Black, and blue) Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,Thursday,Wednesday Gold or Copper 2 2,4,6,9 White, blue, red, cream(Avoid black) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Silver 3 1,3,5,7,9 Red, green, yellow,(Avoid deep blue and black Tuesday, Sunday, Thursday, Wednesday Copper 4 2,4,5,6,8 Honey color, Gray, blue Saturday, Friday, Wednesday, Monday Tin 5 1,3,5,7,8 Green, blue, black Wednesday, Friday, Saturday Brass 6 2,4,6,8 White, blue Friday, Saturday Silver 7 1,3,5,7,8 Pink, white, yellow, green Thursday, Wednesday, Saturday Gold 8 3,4,5,7,8 Green, black, blue(Avoid White and Red) Saturday, Friday, Wednesday, Iron, steel or Zinc 9 1,3,4,6,9 Red, white, yellow ( avoid green, black and dark blue) Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday, Sunday Copper or Gold. The lucky numbers can be used as lucky dates too. Multiple digits can also be chosen, by adding all the digits in the number and reducing to single digit. For example, 23 or 14 or 500 can also be chosen for those whose lucky number is 5.

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The lucky colors can be used for selection of dresses or dress materials, linen or curtains. The lucky metals can be used for wearing rings of that metal or bracelets. Or you can keep a coin of the lucky metal and keep in your valet or pocket or in the place where you keep cash.

You can also select the weekdays lucky for you for carrying out important works. Among the lucky days given above, the first day in the series is most lucky.

You can also choose your life’s partner from the above lucky numbers, with the following exceptions:

Do not select the number of your life’s partner which is same as your destiny number. In some cases, like number 1, it may result in clashing with each other due to strong ego problems. If your destiny number is 8, don’t choose your life’s partner whose destiny number is 8. Instead, you may choose 4 (which is considered best) as his or her number.

If the destiny number of your friends or life’s partners or people whom you meet with in daily life coincides with one of your lucky numbers, the rapport or compatibility with such persons will be very good. If not, the compatibility will be lacking. In such a case, do the remedies given under table:1 for relief from the resulting stress or tension in your life.

These tips or guidelines are not to be taken too rigidly or seriously and no serious decisions shall be taken based on the above theory. You have to apply your own discretion and make your own choice. These theories are for general guidance only and are based on faith, as any esoteric theories are. But you will find these tips quite interesting. Generally, the influence of your destiny number or individual number becomes noticeable. When you rent a house, you may find the house number to be related to your destiny or individual number. Or some important events in your life may have coincidence with these numbers. Or when you occupy a seat in a bus or train or flight, it may coincide with your controlling numbers. These things will be a matter of interest for a person willing to notice them.