How to Become a Suffolk County, NY, Police Officer

Many people become police officers for different reasons – the salary, the pension, the benefits, or the mere fact that they’re making their community a better place. Either way, despite the reason, officers should be concerned with two primary aspects of law enforcement: 1.) Enforcing the law to the best of their extent; and 2.) To serve the community to the best of their abilities.

Suffolk County, NY is located to the East of Nassau County on Long Island, and West of the Hamptons.

The first facet applicants should know is the duties Police Officers are required to perform, as defined by the Department of Civil Service’s website:

Patrols assigned area in a radio equipped car, on motorcycle, or on foot to prevent and discover the commission of crimes; answers calls and complaints involving automobile accidents, domestic disturbances and other misdemeanors or felonies; directs traffic, enforces traffic laws, and arrests traffic violators. At scenes of crime, administers first aid, conducts preliminary investigations, gathers evidence, obtains witnesses and makes arrests; testifies in court on arrests made. Performs related work as required.”

The second aspect that applicants must take into account are the requirements, which include, but are not limited to: age restrictions, current level of education, residence requirement, and a citizenship requirement. If you qualify, then proceed.

Suffolk County Police officers, like any other county job, is conducted by the Civil Service Department. Any job under this realm is required to take a competitive test for their position against other individuals – and that’s only the beginning of the journey to become a police officer in Suffolk County. The test itself is about $100 (depending on your method of payment). Some people, such as volunteer firefighters and EMTs, are exempt from paying the test fee – see if you qualify.

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Granted that you pass the written test with flying colors, applicants eventually have to go through an array of tests that include: medical, psychological, physical, and a polygraph test.

The medical, psychological, and polygraph tests are generally self-explanatory, while the physical portion ranges in requirements depending on two factors: age and gender. For example, a male between the ages of 20-29 must complete 38 sit-ups within a minute, whereas a female between the age of 30-39 must complete 25 sit-up repetitions within one minute. Click here to see the physical test chart – it’s located at the bottom of the page.

In the academy recruits learn pertinent information that includes fundamental law, firearms training, first aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, and much more.

At this point in time the next test to become a Suffolk County Police Officer is scheduled for June 11th, 2011. The last filing date is March 31st, 2011. The starting salary for a Suffolk County Police Officer is $42,000, with it topping off at $108,608 after five years.

For more in-depth information about any aspect of the Suffolk County Police Department “Police Officer” exam go to:

