How to Avoid Getting Sun Spots

Sun spots are rather bothersome brown spots that can appear on the skin over time. They appear on your skin as small, brown spots. Many people often refer to sun spots as “age spots” or “liver spots. While sun spots are associated with aging, the truth is that they can appear in the young, too. In fact, with sun spots largely caused by exposure to UV rays, they can appear on the skin of almost anyone who spends a lot of time exposed to the sun.

While sun spots are painless and largely go unnoticed by other people, many people find them unsightly on themselves. As one of the skin signs associated with aging, many people choose to fight sun spots just as they would fight wrinkles. However, sun spots are also a sign that the sun’s UV rays are causing damage to the skin, so they should be taken seriously. There are numerous ways to protect yourself from getting sun spots.

Sunscreen. Applying sunscreen daily is one of the easiest ways to avoid getting sun spots. Many products available today that are used daily include sunscreen protection and provide protection from UV rays. These include concealer and foundation make-up products, daily skin creams designed to fight wrinkles and other signs of aging, and even some types of clothing. Keep in mind that sun spots can appear all over the body, so care should be taken to use sunscreen protection on all exposed areas.

Healthy Diet. Nature provides its own natural ways to avoid sun spots as well. Many fruits and vegetables contain high amounts of free radicals, which offer a natural protection against these harmful cells building up to cause sun spots. Some of the foods that are rich in antioxidants include broccoli, cabbage, kiwi, and pomegranates. IN addition, drinking plenty of water each day will help to keep your cells hydrated and better able to withstand the effects of the sun’s UV rays. While healthy foods alone cannot protect you against sun spots, a diet rich in antioxidants combined with regular use of sunscreen will go a long way towards avoiding sun spots on your skin.

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Limit Exposure To The Sun. While some exposure to the sun is good for you, too much can wreak havoc on your skin. Lack of adequate exposure to the sun can lead to vitamin D deficiency, which actually in turn can cause cancer and other serious maladies. However, too much sun exposure is also not a good thing. Many experts agree that your body will function optimally with about 15 to 30 minutes of strong sun exposure each day. Be sure to protect your skin from UV ray damage while you are in the sun through the use of sunscreen.

While sun spots are often unwelcome and viewed as a sign of aging, the truth is that in many cases they are a warning sign that your body is getting too much exposure to UV rays and not enough protection. Follow these tips to avoid developing (or developing more) sun spots and protect your skin from sun damage.;=3203293
