Fatty Liver Disease: A Condition You Need to Know About

Recently the issue of liver health has been raised a great deal by the media and health professionals around the world. In fact, the issue I am about to discuss is the leading cause of liver dysfunction in the United States. (Cabot, 2003). The condition is called fatty liver or steatosis and in the U.S alone 15-20% of the general population have the condition, and that number is notably higher in obese individuals. (Cabot, 2003).

So, do you need to worry about fatty liver? Well, I’d hate to add anything to your list of things to worry about, so honestly, it isn’t something that a healthy person, or even a relatively healthy person, need concern themselves with. Those suffering from fatty liver are those with such conditions as alcoholism, malnutrition (most specifically those with a protein deficiency), obesity, diabetes mellitus, Reyes’ syndrome (children), and pregnancy in rare but serious cases.

Before I continue, let me break down exactly what “fatty liver” is. To be honest, it is exactly what it sounds like, a collection of different types of fats that build up inside the liver cells. (Edgren, 2002). You see, a healthy liver is red in color with an all around uniformly smooth sort of texture. This is due to its make up of millions of tiny little spaces within the liver’s surface that are filled with blood. However, a fatty liver is congested by fat (fat taking up those little crevices where blood is supposed to go), making the liver appear yellow in color and greasy. (Cabot, 2003). A liver that is congested by fat tends to be enlarged and that enlargement can usually be felt during an abdominal examination. As most people know, the liver is the organ in our body that processes our diet. In fact, the liver actually changes the fat we eat into fat that can be stored in the body and later used. (Edgren, 2002). Its function is absolutely essential to our well-being! The problem is that this breakdown of fats performed by the liver can be disrupted by our diets (i.e too much alcohol, not enough protein, different poisons or drugs, etc…). This disruption can in turn can be the cause of serious health problems.

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Keeping all this in mind, the good news about the condition is that it doesn’t have to be a long-term condition. It can generally be reversed if caught before resulting in any further damage or problems. For those suffering from alcohol related fatty liver the treatment is very strict. It includes completely and immediately cutting any and all alcohol from the patient’s diet. (Ismail, Riely, 2006). This, of course, should be done under the supervision of a medical professional. It should also be followed by a strict diet put together with the aid of a medical professional or nutritionist.

For those patients suffering from fatty liver due to obesity or dietary choices, the “Journal of Medicine Today” recommends gradual weight loss (5-10% of initial weight over a period of six months) and nutritional changes. (Cabot, 2003). Fad diets delivering rapid weight loss can actually lead to further damage, as can drugs such as cholesterol lowering agents which can have toxic effects on lever cells. (Cabot, 2003).

Unfortunately for those that have the condition, it can result in further complications. If lest untreated it can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and liver failure. The Mayo Clinic reports that one in four individuals with non-alcohol related fatty liver disease may develop serious liver disease within 10 years. (2007). Obviously, those with alcohol induced fatty liver will suffer even more severe consequences. Severe fatty liver infiltration of the liver can result in symptoms of malaise, weakness, anorexia, nausea, and abdominal discomfort. Additionally, Jaundice is present in 15% of patients admitted to the hospital because of the symptoms of fatty liver infiltration. (Ismail, Riely, 2006).

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Other symptoms of fatty liver include tiredness, swelling of the abdomen, fever, and as previously mentioned, pain under the ride side of the rib cage. In the rare case of pregnancy related fatty liver disease, the symptoms are much more severe and serious and can include: nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain. (Edgren, 2002). Since pregnancy related fatty liver is much rarer and often quite a bit more serious than other forms of the condition, symptoms should be very closely monitored by a health care professional. However, it should also be noted that fatty liver, if not painful can easily go unnoticed for an alarming period of time. If you think you may be at risk due to dietary problems, obesity, or excessive alcohol consumption, a proper health examination should be considered.

Due to the wonders of modern medicine may otherwise unrecognizable illness can be diagnosed and remedied, it seems fatty liver disease is no different. As long as the symptoms are detected or regular checks are in places, the tests necessary for diagnosis are relatively easy. As mentioned earlier, if the liver is enlarged it may be able to be felt during an abdominal examination. Additionally, blood tests can check for liver function, and different imaging exams can be performed to view the liver directly. One of the best methods of checking for the condition, especially those suspected of alcoholic origins of the condition, is a liver biopsy. This method is the most sensitive and specific in terms of properly diagnosing fatty liver disease. (Ismail, Riely, 2006).

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As soon as the condition is detected measures can be taken to “treat it,” and although there are no exact medical treatments (i.e. medicine or medical procedures), the nutritional changes aforementioned should be implemented.

Despite fatty liver disease in itself not being a life-threatening condition, it can lead to life-threatening consequences such as cirrhosis and liver failure. (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2007). This condition is just one more reason to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, as well as attend regular health checks. It is a reversible condition and doesn’t have to be the condition that takes your life, so don’t make it that way. Have regular check ups and change your diet to one recommended by a nutritionist and your doctor. Maintaining your health is the only way to maintain life as you know it.


Worman, M.D, H. J (2000). Fatty Liver. Retrieved February 22, 2007, from Columbia University Medical Center Web site: http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/gi/fatty.html *

Edgren, A. R. (2002). Fatty Liver. Retrieved February 22, 2007, from Health A to Z Web site: http://www.healthatoz.com/healthatoz/Atoz/common/standard/transform.jsp?requestURI=/healthatoz/Atoz/ency/fatty_liver.jsp

Cabot, S. (2003). Fatty Liver. Retrieved March 8, 2007 from Liverdoctor.com Website: http://www.liverdoctor.com/Section4/fattyliver.asp

Mayo Clinic Staff. (2007, February 19). Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Retrieved March 8, 2007, from Mayo Clinic Website: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/nonalcoholic-fatty-liver-disease/DS00577/DSECTION=7

Ismail, M. MD., Riely, C. MD. (2006) Alcoholic Fatty Liver. Retrieved March 8, 2007, from Emedicine Website: http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic99.htm

*Used as a reference when researching, but never specifically cited.