How to Avoid Falling Asleep While Driving

Traveling long and even short distances can sometimes be a mesmerizing situation. Although you’ve had enough sleep, the music and the comfortable seat slowly begins to relax the mind and body.

You scoot down lower in the seat and relax your arms and your lower body; now you’re getting relaxed. The eyes are starting to get heavy as you quickly blink and unconsciously close them. Everything is peaceful and quiet until your senses slowly come back.

Numerous noises and sirens bring you groggily back to your senses. Now you’re lying upside down in your car and everything in your body hurts. Firemen and paramedics are desperately trying to keep you alert as you drift in and out of consciousness. You’ve just fallen asleep while you were driving, and now your life is in jeopardy.

Avoiding this situation is sometimes very difficult, if you don’t understand how to keep the mind and the body alert while driving. Having driven over 3 million miles over the road in 31 years, it took me several years to learn how to keep the mind and the body alert while traveling.

Listed below are several tips to practice on your next trip which might help to save your life, and also others on the road. Always keep in mind that anytime you start to feel tired stop and take a break or get a hotel room; your life is never worth taking the risk.

The body

Driving long distances the body goes through several areas of relaxation adjustment. As the body begins to relax the heart rate and blood pressure begins to drop. Circulation in the body is also decreased as the muscles begin to relax. This is the state of consciousness which precedes drifting off while driving.

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In order to combat this situation the body must regularly be readjusted to start the cycle all over again. Changing the position of your legs, or readjusting yourself in the seat is sometimes all that’s required.

If in fact you’re actually tired you can move your arms and legs around to increase the blood flow and also the circulation. This increases the endorphins level in the body and also helps to decrease “road paralysis.” This is when you’ve just driven the last given amount of miles and you didn’t even realize it. You’re mentally awake but subconsciously driving.

If moving around in the seat or adjusting your position doesn’t help, and you still can’t keep your eyes open, pull over and take a quick break. Get out and go to the bathroom and get something to snack on and a fresh drink.

This movement will increase the flow of blood again in your body, and the snacks will also help to provide energy to the body. Be careful not to eat too much, as food also has a relaxing quality to it ten minutes after you’ve eaten it.

If this still doesn’t work then a power nap is in order. Set an alarm on your cell phone, or lay across the steering wheel as you sleep in a “safe place.” By lying across your steering wheel your muscles will begin to cramp after twenty minutes or so and wake you up; a natural alarm system. If all else fails pull over for the night and get some sleep.

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The mind

The mind is the strongest muscle we have, and using it correctly is the key to staying alert on the road. The third dimensional mind excels in problem solving. While the mind is working the attention span is increased, and the level of alertness is also elevated.

Music is also a good method to stay awake, but I’ve had the music all the way up and still started to nod off. The sounds are melodic and yet also quite hypnotizing. Singing is a great way to keep awake while listening to music. This also increases the blood flow, and the oxygen levels in the body.

The best way I’ve found to stay awake while driving is to listen to talk radio, or books on tape. In the last ten years I’ve listened to almost everything the library has in non-fiction tapes. While entertaining yourself you can also gain quite a bit of knowledge on all types of information.

Providing your mind something to think about which interests you is another great way to stay awake. A creative project or something which you’ve been interested in also helps to keep the mind working, and also alert. A great place to think is while traveling in the peace and quiet as you listen to the mind.

As with most things everyone is different, and their mental and physical abilities are all unique. Be conscious of your breathing and your thoughts when you travel; because when they slow down you’re getting ready for a nap. So drive careful and stay alert, because your life and the lives of others depends on it.