‘South Park’ Season 14 Episode 10 ‘Insheeption’

“South Park” Season 14 Episode 10 “Insheeption” concerns the growing problem of hoarding, bullying, child molestation, the problems of modern sheep herding, and the film “Inception.” So how did they guys do this week?

Spoilers follow.

The episode begins with Wendy passing a note to Stan via Butters, who is all thrilled to be South Park Elementary’s postal service. Wendy and her friends have decided to pull an intervention on Stan. It seems that the young man is a “locker hoarder,” which is to say he keeps a pile of useless stuff in his locker for no other purpose than he has a phobia of throwing things away.

This leads to a session with the school counselor, Mr. Mackey, um-kay, which leads to a revelation that Mackey is an office hoarder, something one would think would have come to the attention of the school principal. In any case, hoarding specialists are brought in. This leads to dream regression therapy and a riff from one of the summer’s most fascinating films: “Inception,” about people who invade other people’s dreams for fun and profit.

Mackey, Stan, and the neighborhood sheep herder (who is mistaken for a sheep hoarder) are now lost in a strange dream in which Mackey is sent back to his troubled childhood, um-kay, to find out the roots of his problem. This is very disconcerting to Stan, who finds his own childhood troubled enough without having to experience someone else’s.

Things sort of escalate from there. Stan’s father Randy enters the dream world to try to rescue his son, but then becomes a butterfly and spends most of the rest of the episode trying to mate with other butterflies.

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As we find out how the young Mackey was oppressed by bullies, Stan supposes that this is the root of his problem. It is not.

In a desperate attempt to save the dreamers, the cast of “Inception” is sent in. Unfortunately they just run aimlessly around shooting at nothing. Then a group of fire fighters is sent in. Still no effect.

And so the one man who can save everyone is sought out in his mountain retirement home. That man is Freddy Krueger, who apparently has been a government agent for quite some time. Indeed, the events of “A Nightmare on Elm Street” were just a cover to save the Free World from the Soviets. That would be an interesting story to tell.

In any case, the root of Mackey’s problem is that he was molested by a giant owl who is a mascot for not littering. “Give a hoot, don’t pollute.” Every time Mackey thought about throwing something away, his subconscious kept reminding him of that disgusting feathered monster touching him in an inappropriate manner. Fortunately, Freddy arrives and rips the bird a new one, literally. Unfortunately, he could not save the sheep herder.

Everyone wakes up. Stan is seen at last cleaning out his locker. Having seen the root of Mackey’s problem, he is in no way interested in seeing the root of his own.

Source: South Park, Insheeption, TV.Rage