How the Rich Can Help the Poor

There is no hiding that there is an economy crisis. Many have lost their jobs, or had their home foreclosed. There are rich people out there that would like to know how to help, but don’t know where to start. Two good websites that you can donate to many poor people is known as digital charity and . Many needy people are listed on it that are in need of desperate help. It is easy to donate to them using paypal. Someone would appreciate the help and it could make a difference. Another good website to visit is . It lists sites and individual sites where you can help the needy.There are many people that do not want to donate to big organizations ,but prefer to reach out to everyday individuals in the community. This is a good site to explore and search for needy individuals. It is specifically for the everyday poor person and not for big organizations.A second way to help is by simply placing a blog or ad on a website. People can contact them by e-mail with their needs. The rich individual may want to state how much they are willing to help. For example they may want to start by writing the first 10,000 people to apply will get help with an amount they feel comfortable in donating.This way they wouldn’t have to feel guilty that they were unable to help everyone who requested help.

A third way they can help is to hold a free raffle draw . The raffle could have a number placed on it with a specific amount. Again the rich individual will have complete control of the amount they are willing to donate for that day . It may be a million or any amount they feel comfortable giving. They can have a bin of thousands of tickets and people can draw from it. Or they can even have the raffle over the Internet. People can select codes in which the rich person will determine the amount to be given.

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A next way is to do research on local food banks to find out which food bank is in short supply that requires help.They can donate food to help ease the shortage.They can even hire a truck or hire someone who is in need of a job to deliver the food directly to people in the community or to food banks.The rich individual may even call local churches and community organizations to find out which ones help with donation to people in their local communities.They can help by giving money to these organizations .There is also a organization named feed the children they donate food to needy people. They drive many distances to feed hungry people. It costs a lot of money for them to pay for gas for the trucks to deliver the food .A rich person can donate money to this group.

People who have lost their homes maybe a rich person who owns property may want to help. Maybe if they own a motel or hotel they can let them stay there for cheap or free until they get back on their feet. Some may even want to buy cheap foreclosed homes that were lost and give them to those who are homeless. Again, they can set up information on a free website that they can apply on or contact them. These are some of the ways the rich can help the poor.If you are a needy person and would like a way to start earning cash you can check this site out . Good luck in your quest.