How Slavery Still Affects Us Today

John Hope Franklin says in a film that this country has not confronted the issue of
slavery yet. I think that Mr. Franklin is speaking the truth in this statement. Slavery is one of the worst conditions that have existed throughout history, not only in this country but in other places as well. The enslavement of any group of people is a horrible thing and the effects are long lasting. Until we here in America recognize that slavery is still affecting this country today, we will be forever lost.

The slaves who were finally freed suffered a lot of psychological and emotional damage that has been passed down through generations. It is also important to remember that those who enslaved blacks are no longer alive however they set the stage for a lot of anger, resentment and pain felt within the black community today.

There are those who think that since there has been great strides made for insuring the rights of black people, that the slate has been wiped clean. What is not recognized is the fact that certain conditions exist within the black community because of the institution of slavery. America must understand and realize that these conditions will continue to exist until people confront the truth about how slavery has affected both blacks and whites. In that regard we are all still slaves in our inability to be truthful about how racism was at the core of slavery. Although this is supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave, the enslavement of black people clearly shows the hypocrisy of those words.

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While blacks today may not be toiling in the hot sun under the whip of the slave master, they still suffer in other ways. Many must cope with poor housing, lack of employment opportunities, inadequate health care and education. These conditions exist because black people have had to play catch up and have been denied certain opportunities that were always available for those of the white race. Of course there are many African-Americans who have found success and lead promising lives. However the majority of them have a difficult time achieving the so-called American dream.

When blacks were enslaved they suffered from a lack of self worth and were victims of a society that labeled them as inferior beings. Because of this, blacks see themselves as inferior as well. This lack of self esteem can often lead to self destructive behavior and the belief that they will never be fully accepted as equal members of society. The mind is a powerful thing and whatever we believe ourselves to be is how we behave. Those who have been oppressed look at themselves through the mirror of the oppressor. The image is not a good one. This way of thinking is passed down from one generation to another. This is only one example of how slavery has affected the black race.

The sad part is that many believe that slavery is a thing of the past but in fact it is still alive and breathing in the hearts and minds of black people. Most people of the white race today understand that slavery was not of their doing but they must come to terms with how slavery still affects the black community. With that said , Mr. Franklin has indeed spoken the truth. Blacks are still suffering from the after effects of slavery and white people are living in a delusion if they think slavery has nothing to do with the way blacks struggle today. In both cases the white race and the black race are still enslaved because this country has not truly confronted the issue of slavery. Until this is done the cycle continues and the chains of slavery remain unbroken.