Effectively Treat Acne with Homeopathy

Acne constitutes pustular, popular or follicular eruptions on the skin of face, neck, shoulders or back. This affliction is a result of over-production the sebaceous glands at the roots of the hair follicles of the skin. The pores on the skin are connected to these glands via the hair follicle.

When the pores get clogged by the accumulation of excess sebum and dead skin cells, which clump with the hair and attract bacteria, pimples are formed.

There are several types of pimples:

“¢ Whiteheads are the minute pimples that reside under the surface of the skin.
“¢ Blackheads are pimples that are present on the surface of the skin and appear black.
“¢ Papules are small, tender swellings one the skin.
“¢ Pustules are pimples with a red base and pus formation on the apex.
“¢ Nodules are bulky, solid pimples that are often very painful and extend deep roots into the skin.
“¢ Cysts pus-filled pimples that are deep-seated, cause pain and leave unsighlt scars on the skin.

The reason behind the development of acne is yet not definitely ascertained. Medical studies suggest the following causes:

¢ Over-secretion of hormones in the teenage years that lead to overproduction of the sebaceous glands.
¢ Imbalances in hormonal levels during pregnancy
¢ Intake of oral contraceptive pills
“¢ Heredity and genetic constitution.
¢ Side effects of certain medicines.
“¢ Use of inexpensive, comedogenic makeup.

Several people all around the world suffer from acne. These skin lesions not only look hideous but also affect the psychological well-being of the sufferer. Imagine waking up in the morning of an important presentation, or of a huge party, to see gigantic, red acne staring back at you from the mirror?

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Really hampers the self-esteem, does it not? The good news is, if treated in time with the suitable medication, acne can be healed effectively.

Homeopathy provides natural constitutional remedies for treating persistent acne from the roots, not only to eradicate existing pimples but also to avert formation of new ones. Scarring is also prevented. The following medicines, taken three times a day for a week, can be effective, in the symptoms that are presented here.

Asterius rubens: helpful in treating acne with itching that occur in puberty. If this medicine fails, and pimples are pustular, the medicine of choice is Kalium bromatum

Antimonium tartaricum: useful for acne with large pustules that are tender to touch, and leave bluish-red marks on the skin after the infection has subsided. The afflicted person may be touchy, with little resistance to ill health.

Agaricus muscarius: used when pimples are hard.

Calcarea carbonica: indicated when the pimples and skin eruptions are frequent and the sufferer feels chilly with clammy hands and feet, gets rapidly fatigues and anxious by hard work, and is flabby or overweight. For such patients, this medicine may help improve the skin’s resistance to infection. Individuals in need of this remedy have hanker for sweets and eggs.

Carbo vegetabilis: helpful when the pimples are moist and the person affected has a slow digestion and often suffers from flatulence.

Hepar sulphuris calcareum: indicated in case the skin is easily infected, sluggish to get restored to health, and prone to tender, aching outbreaks like boils. The pimples are extremely touch-sensitive and reluctant to come to a head. In the long run, malodorous pus may form. The constitutional symptoms of a person who needs Hepar sulph is chilly, susceptible to all forms of cold, and suffer from irritability.

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Ledum palustre: beneficial for acne on forehead.

Magnesia muriaticum: remedy for pimples occurring in concurrence with constipation and get worse from bathing.

Pulsatilla: helpful if acne is worse from eating rich or fatty foods, and aggravated by warmth or heat. It is indicated especially around the time of puberty, or when acne breaks out near menstrual periods. The person often has a fair complexion and is inclined toward soft emotions and moodiness, feeling worse in warm or stuffy rooms and better in fresh air.

Silicea terra: helpful in a person with deep-rooted rosy pimples that do not come to a head soon, heal slowly and thus tend to leave scars, who has pale skin along with a overall diminished immunity, distended lymph nodes, and a propensity to exhaustion and nervousness. A person, who is usually very cold but liable to sweat at night, will be benefited by this remedy.

Sulphur: effective for scratchy, raw, inflamed and aching eruptions with reddish or dirty-looking skin. Scratching, or washing with warm water may provoke further itchiness. Itching may be worse from scratching. This remedy is suitable for individuals who have propensity for complex mental ideas and be liable to disregard give orderliness and tidiness.

As we know acne is a very irritating skin condition that may leave unsightly marks on the skin and are very difficult to eradicate. By choosing or using the correct remedy should shorten or cure your acne problem but a minority of people who does not have patience might not see signification improvement over a short span of time.