How I Lost 40 Pounds in a Month

It was a cold late October when without any real thought I changed my life. It wasn’t that I was going to start dieting to lose weight, but I was going to start doing things that would change how I felt. I didn’t think I was that overweight that it bothered me, or that anyone noticed, so it wasn’t like I had will power on my side helping me out.

My doctor was highly concerned about the drastic weight loss I on the other hand was tickled pink, after all I’m no diet expert!

I wouldn’t recommend this for just anyone, but I think if some aspects of how I lost the 40 pounds in a month applied to anyone’s everyday living, weight loss will occur. Soda pop is full of calories, just as many juices are, and much like smoking and drinking a person can become addicted to it.

At the time I started the changes in my life, I didn’t much care for water, and was truly addicted to soda pop, but I decided I would start with what I had thought would be the easiest change I could make. So, once a day I replaced my cup of soda pop with a glass of ice cold water. I forced myself to leave it by me all day, until I drank it all. After drinking a 12 ounce glass of water a day become something that didn’t gross me out, I decided to step things up. I decided to drink two of those glasses of water a day, until I eventually had replaced all my glasses of soda pop.

I would still have the longing for a glass of soda pop, so every once in awhile, I would reward myself with a glass of pop, about once a week. Rewarding myself with the soda pop helped me maintain drinking water. This was a huge loss of sugar that I’m very sure of helped in the weight loss, but this wasn’t all I did, after all if it was that simple, wouldn’t everyone be doing it?

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Did I exercise to lose those 40 pounds of weight in a month? Nope. Not once! In fact, I sat at the computer nearly 18 hours a day working.

I never ate breakfast, so there wasn’t an issue. For lunch everyday except weekends, I had some sort of meat, vegetable, and pasta or potato dish. It wasn’t that I wasn’t using salt or butter as I was, just not a lot. I believe it was what I was eating for supper everyday. I was eating Ramen cup of noodle soups. I think eating something that light, that late, helped me lose weight, combined of course with the drinking of water. Ramen cups of soup are filling, but light enough that you aren’t putting on weight while you sleep. No extra butter, salt, meat and such sitting on your stomach all night long.

Did I snack? Yes. I had some potato chips every now and then, meaning about once a week. Not a lot, I ate them slowly, drinking water to wash them down. I enjoyed each and every bite as though it was the last I would get. I filled up faster and eat less.