How Global Warming Can Affect the Economy

Global warming will affect more than just the environment. It will affect everyone and everything on the planet in one way or another. Global temperatures rising will cause the ice worldwide to melt. Because of the melt, we will lose large tracts of land including most of Florida, many of the islands around the world, the Yucatan Peninsula, Italy, and most of the coastlands around the world. This melting will also add large amounts of freshwater to the oceans, which will lower the salinity of the oceans. This water being added to the ocean can also slow down or stop the ocean currents. The salinity change and the change in the currents will kill of much of the marine life in the ocean, as anyone who has ever had a saltwater aquarium can tell you. A change in the current can cause a large part of the Earth to cool, bringing in a new Ice Age. All of this is just the largest of the possible effects that global warming can have. The warming of the Earth will cause a domino effect on everything else until life on Earth is changed.

One major worldwide change that most people do not take into account is the economy. Some people will benefit financially while other people will become bankrupt.

Most companies that will benefit financially are those that are in the higher lands that will not become flooded, those that can easily adapt to the needs of the Earth and of Earth’s population, and people who’s job it is to study the environment.

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Real estate prices will rise, due to the simple fact that there will be much less land to buy and sell.

Those who manufacture equipment for water sports will benefit, as there will be much more water (especially shallow water) to boat, ski, swim, and play in.

Climatological research will be a hot field, as much new worldwide research will be needed to figure out how the climate is changing and how it is effecting anyone. Worldwide climatological research is already booming and research stations are being put in the iciest regions in the world, because these are the areas affected the fastest by climate change.

“Green” companies are already reaping financial benefits from global warming, as people are trying to buy products that do not hurt the environment when they are made.

Any person or company that can come up with a way to reverse the effects of global warming-no matter how slowly the idea works-will reap a huge reward. Their skills are already in high demand.

Many other types of businesses will win the economic battles, but it is far too soon to tell who all will come out on top.

On the reverse side, many businesses and types of jobs will become obsolete and quickly go bankrupt. Those who go bankrupt due to global warming will crumble because they were in the wrong area, could not adapt quickly enough to the changing needs of the world, have the wrong type of business, or their job is not possible anymore.

Anyone who owns coastal land will lose, because the ocean would claim it- or at least turn it into swampland. That former land will be worthless.

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Ski resorts and companies that make winter gear will become obsolete, as the warming will destroy winter. The only possible exception is if the currents end worldwide and an Ice Age comes to the Earth, then it will be winter most of the time.

Anglers who fish in the saltwater of the oceans and seas will no longer have a job. The freshwater that will be dumped into the sea will change the delicate balance of the ocean and kill of most marine life. Some creatures may survive and thrive, but most will not.

This die-off of marine life may be one of the biggest consequences of global warming.

Many governments may topple because of this. The turtle’s pace at which most governments are moving to stop global warming will make people rise against them. If this happens, it could open the door to chaos.

As with prediction of who benefits, it is too soon to tell whom all may be destroyed because of global warming.