Yucatan and Its Culture


Yucatan is one of thirty-one states of Mexico. It is located in the southeastern part of the country and the Yucatan state is on the northern tip of the Yucatan Peninsula. This peninsula borders the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea and separates these two bodies of water. Although inhabited first by Mayans, this land was said to be founded by Europeans in the early 16th century. The origin of the name of this state is not completely known, but is thought to be part of a conversation between the local Mayans and the European explorers. The current population of Yucatan is approximately two million people. In the capital city of Yucatan, Merida, nearly half of its population resides. The country lies just above sea level with little change in topography throughout the state. There are many interesting things about Yucatan that make its culture extremely rich. Such examples include but are not limited to its history, its people, its food.

Yucatan has been inhabited by people for over ten thousand years. While the Mayans lived in this land, the Spanish were eager to discover and conquer more of the new world. Explorers visiting the shores of Yucatan included Ponce de Leon and Cortes. As Spanish conquistadors arrived in Yucatan, they instated a colonial hierarchy and attempted to impose European governing and ways of life. In 1761, the Mayans had had enough of the colonial imposition by the Spaniards and started a revolutionary uprising. This rebellion was unsuccessful in overthrowing the European imposition and all participants were shipped to the state’s capital city: Merida to undergo tortuous punishment for their disobedience. Yet seventy years later, the fight was still strong and Yucatan gained its independence as a independent state separate from its Spanish mother country and also a part of the Mexican Empire. Only two years later it became a republic of what became the United States of Mexico. Over the next one hundred and fifty years, the state of Yucatan struggled with various wars and the dynamics of Mexico. In 1976, Francisco Luna Kan was elected as the first Yucatan governor of Mayan descent. The government of Yucatan is similar to that of Mexico (and the United States) in that it is split up into three branches: legislative, executive, and judiciary.

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The vast majority of the people of Yucatan speak Yucatec Maya. It is a beautiful language and has its own accent and special sounds that make it unique. The people of Yucatan are very advanced in comparison to the rest of Mexico. This development is partially due to the flourishing henequen industry that allowed the ggrowth of weath in the state. Henequen is often known as sisal and produces a type of rope-like twine through the weaving of its strong fibers. As a coastal state, this industry is extremely important to fishing equipment such as that used on riggings, as well as sacks that can be used for storage of fish and other products. Success from this industry has led the capital of Yucatan to be rich comparatively and even allowed for the construction of a tram before it was present in Mexico City. This industry is very important to the people of Yucatan because it has allowed for them to succeed and have a name within Mexico.

Food is extremely important to Mexicans and Yucatan food has its own flavor and style. This stems from its Mayan influence, as well as its infusion of Caribbean, Spanish, and even North African flavors. As a coastal state, Yucatan has exposure to many cultures and the food reflects this eclectic background. Pork is a commonly featured dish in Yucatan. The most famous of pork dishes is probably the cochinita pibil and is known for its delicious marinade. There is another popular dish that is barbequed pork that is known as Poc Chuc in Yucatan. Another pork leam involves cheese surrounding the ground meat and topped with gravy. Other dishes that include meat such as chicken and turkey are salbutes, which are soft tortillas filled with vegetables and fruits such as avocadoes, tomatoes and lettuce. Similarly, panuchos are tortillas and also have beans and onions that have been pickled. Food is a centerpiece of conversation in Yucatan and is an important part of Yucatan culture.

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Because Mayan culture is very much part of Yucatan culture, it is important to recognize the ancient influences of Mayans on the current cultural fabric of the state. The Temple of Kukulkan is a castle that is widely renowned in Yucatan. It is a temple that is believed by archeologists to have been built between the 9th and 12th centuries and to have represented the worship of a god. Its shape is in a pyramid and is layered with terraces from top to bottom. The structure is a over sixty feet and has 91 stairs on each of the four sides. Including the top platform, all steps on this temple add up to 365, which represents the number of days in a year. Perhaps this is thought to represent that the god will be revered every day of the year and this is a dedication to such a promise. Also known as El Castillo, this structure is one of the most commonly visited attractions in all of Mexico. It represents Yucatan history and reminds individuals of their past and how it has shaped their current culture and way of life.

Yucatan is a state rich with culture because of its long-standing history. Its Mayan influence is obvious and has carried throughout historical struggles. The people of Yucatan incorporate Mayan culture into their daily lives through Yucatan food such as cochinita pibil, through brilliantly preserved ruins such as the Temple of Kukulkan, through their language, and through the government such as Governor Luna Kan. It is a country that is growing and continuing to develop while also retaining its Mayan roots. The culture of Yucatan is unique to Mexico and makes up an important part of its history and its growth as a nation.
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