How Do You Eat Clean?

How do you eat clean? It’s fairly simple. Just don’t eat anything that comes with a bar code! Of course, not everyone sticks to a completely clean diet, but that’s the concept: no processed foods, only natural foods your great-grandmother would recognize!

Eating clean has been gaining in popularity as people have been losing their excess flab by munching on apples, walnuts, raisins, shrimp, chicken breast, fish, brown rice and sweet potatoes.

A typical member of the clean eating club might enjoy a dinner of steamed asparagus with lemon and olive oil, a 4 ounce serving of salmon with spices and herbs and a few small new potatoes.

It’s really not that hard to adopt an Eat-Clean Diet if you are willing to be creative in the kitchen, and take the time to chop, dice, slice, and package your vegetable and fruits for meals or snacks.

Tosca Reno, the author of the Eat-Clean Diet, encourages people to tighten up your diet for maximum fat loss. That means no room for junk food.

Most members of the eat-clean club, as I like to call it, make sure to eat protein at every meal. Protein keeps you feeling satisfied so you don’t crave empty calories and snacks.

If you need more information on how to eat clean, here are five tips for eating clean:

No 1: How To Eat Clean: Visit a local produce stand and look for organic fruits and vegetables or grow your own vegetable garden. Try to focus on seasonal fruits that are, if not grown local, at least grown in the United States.

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No. 2: Tips For Eating Clean: Shop in the perimeter of the grocery store where they sell fruits and vegetables and often lean proteins, fish, seafood and nuts. Avoid the aisles of processed foods.

No. 3: Eating Clean Diet Tips: Create a fun menu plan that appeals to you. If you like oatmeal, then eat oatmeal, but occasionally branch out and try another healthy option such as creamy buckwheat. Or experiment with a new way to make green beans. Try using lemon or orange peel, pecans, walnuts or almonds, olive oil, garlic and other herbs mixed with your vegetables. Dried fruits also make chicken salad or some vegetable dishes taste great.

No. 4: Eat Clean Diet Tips: Create a rainbow of colors on your plate. Pick red, yellow and green peppers. Try the purple potatoes as well as the white and red. Mix avocado with tomato or add tiny cubed cucumber to your Greek yogurt. Make a mango salsa. The more colors and natural flavors the better.

No. 5: Eat Clean Club Tips: Avoid artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners and additives. Always choose fresh first. Use healthy cooking methods as opposed to nuking your food in the microwave. Read labels when purchasing stir-fry sauces or other spices.

The other side of eating clean is exercise. A lot of eat-clean dieters also do weight training.

It’s not hard to eat clean, but it does taking planning and commitment. I personally eat clean 75 to 80 percent of the time and enjoy, the other 20 percent of the time, my favorite healthier snacks such as Snapea, Tribe Origins hummus, Zevia soda with stevia and Blue Diamond chocolate mint almonds. I leave about 1 to 5 percent for really naughty foods, but that’s where the “three bite rule” comes into play.

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