Homeschool Bible Lesson Plans – the Story of Moses

A new homeschool year has begun and I’m getting Homeschool Bible Lesson Plans together. I have gotten a few lined up that I plan to do. I’ve written everything down for each lesson and I will print them out as we go. This is what I have for The Story of Moses.

The Story of Moses is a little different than the Bible Lessons I usually do. This lesson has four parts. In part one of this lesson you will learn about Moses as a baby. In the second part of this lesson you will learn about Moses as the Shepard. The third part is about Moses and the Pharaoh and the last part is about Moses and the Ten Commandments.

So we will do this lesson over a two week period. We will read the first two parts the first week and the next two parts the second week. We will not have a memory verse for this lesson. This is how my plans look.

On day one we will read part one and part two of the story of Moses. We will not do an activity for day one since we are reading two parts of the story. I will have the children follow along as I read and then we will discuss it.

On day two we will read part one of the story and then we will do an online jigsaw puzzle. You can find all of the links that you will need for this lesson at the bottom of this article.

On day three we will read the second part of Moses. Then we will color a picture of Moses and the Shepard.

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On day four we will read part one and part two and we will color a picture of baby Moses.

This is what we will do for the second week. It will be a little different from the first week.

On day one we will read part three and part four of Moses. Then we will discuss the story.

On day two we will read over part one again. Then we will color a picture of Pharaoh and Moses.

On day three we will read over part four again. Then we will do the Ten Commandments word mining worksheet.

On day four we will read part three and four of the story. Then we will do the Moses and the Ten Commandments paper craft. This is basically creating a picture of Moses and the Ten Commandments.

Usually we do recipes to wrap up a lesson but since this lesson is so different and has four parts to it we are doing things that are simple. It would take too much time to do recipes and big crafts on top of reading. We still have to do our other homeschool lessons.

If you have any questions about this lesson, please feel free to email me at [email protected]

Story Parts 1234

Jigsaw Puzzle


Word Mining
