Homeopathic Remedies for Mange in Cats

Mange in cats is a feline version of mange, a disease condition that is somewhat common among mammals. It is caused by mites, parasitic organisms, which live on the skin of an infected cat. If mange is not properly treated, it could lead to more serious complications. Homeopathic remedies for mange in cats are good substitutes to the anti-parasitic injections usually given by veterinarians.

There are two types of mites that usually cause mange in cats: Burrowing and non-burrowing mites. Burrowing mites are known to bore holes deep into the skin of a cat; after which they lay their eggs in the holes. Non-burrowing mites, on the other hand, lives on the surface of the skin of a cat; where they feed on blood, dead skin or tissue fluid.

There are different types of mange in cats. There are notoedric mange, otodectic cynotis, cheyletiella mange, sarcoptic mange and demodectic mange; otodectic cynotis and notoedric mange are the most common. Notoedric mange causes skin crustiness and hair loss; it is also known as head mange or cat scabies. Head mange of cats is highly contagious to other animals and to humans as well. Otodectic cynotis, or ear mange, is caused by mites living in the ear causing oozing and irritation. Sarcoptic mange is rather rare among cats; it is more common to dogs.

Bathing your cat in a lime-sulfur dip is one of the homeopathic remedies for mange in cats. Before using the lime-sulfur dip, however, it is advisable to first bathe the infected cat with anti-dandruff shampoo. For a period of about 6 weeks, the lime-sulfur dip should be used, at least, every week.

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Grooming is yet another homeopathic remedy for mange in cats. As a means of eliminating the risk of mange in your cat, you should regularly brush the cat so as to remove excess hair that could serve as nice abode for mites, and to remove dead skin that non-burrowing mites could live on.

There are also oral and topical homeopathic remedies for mange in cats. Ensure you feed your cat food that would strengthen her immune system to keep mites off. Apple cider vinegar added to your cat’s food may also prove useful. Topically, you can also massage your cat’s ear with apple cider vinegar ear wash solution; this would help in killing off mites in the ear. Plain yogurt can also be used for the healing of the insides of the ears because of its acidophilus content.

As the adage goes, “prevention is better than cure,” try all you can to prevent creating a condition conducive to mites. Make sure you prevent an infected cat from mixing freely with other healthy animals until it has properly been treated and cured. Treat any infected animal with a lime-sulfur dip, and regularly disinfect your cat’s surrounding as well as wash bedding in hot water to prevent re-infestation.